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Don't Talk to the Police


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Can someone give the "cliffs note version" of that video for us inpatient people that turned it off after about 2.5minutes! I'd like to know what it was about but it bored me way to quick :D What was the point to it?

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Nothing you say to the police can help you in court. It can ONLY be used AGAINST you. If it is information that benefits you it is merely here say and inadmissible.

On a similar note... something my father told me when I was growing up. There are two people you should never lie to. One is your attorney and the other is your doctor. No good can come from withholding the truth from either of them.

HUGE :plus1: on that!! I learned my lesson huge a couple years ago.

Especially if you tell the police something, DON'T forget to tell your attorney too!!

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i liked the second part... when he told what kind of tricks they use in "interviews" to get confessions.

best thing to do is just keep your mouth shut and talk to no one other than your attorney.

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Say there are 2 out of 1,000 things he said were true, but the guy can talk. That is why he talks so fast. He throws a few facts out and mumbles the rest so fast.

Let me give you an example...

10 of us go for a bike ride. One of the guys has his girl on the back. We stop at a gas station to fill up and grab a quick drink. We all walk in to pay for gas and whatnot... As soon as we do, there is a guy in there that asks the girl for money. She says no and he shoots her between the eyes and grabs her wallet and hauls ass out of there. None of us can catch him and he gets away...

The cops arrive and asks what happens... The husband is freaking out and is trying to tell the cops what happened, so they can catch the guy. The 8 other people said, "FUCK THAT! I was told not to talk to cops until I talk with my lawyer." None of us can afford a lawyer, so pretty much we will never talk to them. The husband is pissed at us because of this, but everyone refuses.

They never find the guy because of lack of cooperation between the witnesses.

GOOD IDEA! /sarcasm

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