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another ticket question...


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I was pulled over on 71 on the way back from picking up my b-day present to myself and got pulled over by a cop. it was from one of those air systems though, the cop didn't want to give me the ticket and was discussing ways for me to gte outta it but i guess because it was taken by an air system he has to give me the ticket? my question is he didn't tell me to sign the ticket so nether his coppy or mine is signed, is that one of those things the void a ticket like when the cop messes up info about the car??
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You don't have to sign the ticket, but that doesn't help you in any way.


I don't think you will lose your licence, the date that matters is the conviction date. SO if you settle the ticket after your birthday then the ticket's record is the conviction date. I take it this is in Delaware County, and you have to go to court? If you do plead not guilty at your first date, then they will assign you a trial date. Go to it also and from the sound of the officer, he will not show up. If he doesn't show up ask that the charges be dismissed. He has to be there for the court to find you guilty.


My wife and I did this and the cop never showed on one of her tickets.

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Info on the ticket doesn't matter either as long as your license plates right.


I was convicted in my maroon 1993 Honda Celica GT.


For those that know 'squeekers' it is a red 1993 Toyota Celica ST.


Everything held in court. Because my plate was still right.

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I'm writing you another ticket from the Grammar Police. I'd tell you how to get out of it, but I'm obligated after I get a migraine just from reading your post.


To quote a previous post of mine: "Please punch your English teacher for me!" If you are out of High School already, please tell me who He/She is and I'll do it myself.

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I'm writing you another ticket from the Grammar Police. I'd tell you how to get out of it, but I'm obligated after I get a migraine just from reading your post.


To quote a previous post of mine: "Please punch your English teacher for me!" If you are out of High School already, please tell me who He/She is and I'll do it myself.





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Jesus Christ. Why are so many people in my age group retarded?


The moral of the story is: you should not have been doing anything to warrant you getting pulled over.



Why are you giving the "moral of the story"? Just because a guy got pulled over doesn't mean he's stupid, but that comment shows that you're a dick and should STFU.


Go get a car with some sporting qualities and then tell me how easy it is to follow all the driving laws. Better yet, don't say anything ever again, jackass. This guy didn't hurt anybody so calm down and treat others with respect.

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Why are you giving the "moral of the story"? Just because a guy got pulled over doesn't mean he's stupid, but that comment shows that you're a dick and should STFU.


Go get a car with some sporting qualities and then tell me how easy it is to follow all the driving laws. Better yet, don't say anything ever again, jackass. This guy didn't hurt anybody so calm down and treat others with respect.


Wow, way to blow up over nothing. You get a cookie.

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Lol wtf? So it's actually now more difficult to obey driving laws when you have a car with "sporting qualities?" That's why everyone breaks the law, shit, I wish my car had "sporting qualities."


"It's not my fault officer! My car has "sporting qualities. (wink wink)"

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hey, he's right mega why are you even on this site if you dont enjoy going fast. yea I speed, me 99% of the nation. I'm glad people like you can be there to hold the stats down though thanks you. You and my 60 year old dad would get along well. but as long as you drive a '94 GMC van, '90 Olds D88 you really shouldn't even be talking to me kid. If you knew me or anyone that knows me they would tell you I'm the safest best driver they know. While I get trusted with lives looks like all you get trusted with are POS dirt gmc's... damn I hope those aren't the cars you really wasted time posting on here.'
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Why are you giving the "moral of the story"? Just because a guy got pulled over doesn't mean he's stupid, but that comment shows that you're a dick and should STFU.


Go get a car with some sporting qualities and then tell me how easy it is to follow all the driving laws. Better yet, don't say anything ever again, jackass. This guy didn't hurt anybody so calm down and treat others with respect.


He has a point. In this case, the gentleman has already lost his licensce before becoming an adult. If you haven't learned something by already loosing your license, someone should take away the keys.


Having a powerfull car does not give you the right to disobey traffic laws, or give you some devine right to break the speed limit.


Have fun paying insurance.

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hey, he's right mega why are you even on this site if you dont enjoy going fast. yea I speed, me 99% of the nation. I'm glad people like you can be there to hold the stats down though thanks you. You and my 60 year old dad would get along well. but as long as you drive a '94 GMC van, '90 Olds D88 you really shouldn't even be talking to me kid. If you knew me or anyone that knows me they would tell you I'm the safest best driver they know. While I get trusted with lives looks like all you get trusted with are POS dirt gmc's... damn I hope those aren't the cars you really wasted time posting on here.'


I really hope you aren't talking shit when all you drive is a wanta be TT...kid. :p

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My point was, that you should have learned the first time. I probobly havent had my liscence all that much shorter than you have, but that doesnt mean that I havent recieved one ticket because I drive a fat old man car instead of a Ferrari. Just because you drive a fast car shouldnt mean that you are prone to more speeding tickets.


And the cars I own I got both for free, mommy and daddy didnt buy me one. The van was my dad's tow vehicle, but he passed away 3 years ago. And the olds I recieved as a gift from a friend. I am sorry I dont have as much money as you.


Edit: And to reply to what you said about why I am here, this is a site that, as far as is stated for legal reasons, is about all forms of TRACK racing, mainly drag with a sprinkle of autocross. Not "lets go do dounuts at the thrift store, race around 270 running from the chopper, and call it a night".

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yes it is, lol but not in the way you mean. I've been pulled over close to 15 times most of the time they are just trying to scare me and thats probably the problem because now when I cop walks up to the car I talk to him like an old friend intstead of a scared little kid like he wishes i was. But it's no big deal I was simply trying to get some info from someone who really knew there laws and such no a bunch of guys oppinions.



O and don't worry yes I wish it was a vr-4 not a tt get your cars right... but with the deal I got on this car there was no possible way to turn it down. some buddies from 3si and I have some plans for this car that won't make it insane but it will make it fun.

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yes it is, lol but not in the way you mean. I've been pulled over close to 15 times most of the time they are just trying to scare me and thats probably the problem because now when I cop walks up to the car I talk to him like an old friend intstead of a scared little kid like he wishes i was. But it's no big deal I was simply trying to get some info from someone who really knew there laws and such no a bunch of guys oppinions.



O and don't worry yes I wish it was a vr-4 not a tt get your cars right... but with the deal I got on this car there was no possible way to turn it down. some buddies from 3si and I have some plans for this car that won't make it insane but it will make it fun.


TT = twin turbo. If you've been pulled over 15 times in 2 years of driving, maybe it's best you take a step back and give up the keys for ahwile.

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I get tired of two things on this message board. 1) the "spelling police" who cares if you can read it its good enough. 2) the people that say crap like mega said.

I know that every person on this board has broken traffic laws at least once and probably 99.9% of you break a few daily. I break many of them all the time. I don't have anything that can go excessively fast, but I get the 10 over tickets all the time and I do about anything else that I coudl get citied for and I see most everyone else doing it to. Luckily the cops around town don't get you for very minor stuff or they'd put me away.



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