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smashing pumpkins are back!


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I will be watching this pretty closely. I have been a big SP fan for years. I actually won free tickets and backstage passes when Zwan came to town a few years back. Got to meet Billy and Jimmy and talked with them for a while. Of course got a bunch of my SP stuff signed. Billy has been really talking about this for since his solo album came out and really flopped badly. I would love to see the whole band get back together but I doubt that will happen. I will be waiting for the new album.
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Yeah, Zwan was not so good, and his solo album was almost unlistenable. My brother lives in Chicago, so he fills me in on the rumor mill. I guess Melissa auf der Mauer will play bass (she played on the last album and in Zwan, I believe), but I haven't heard who is playing the guitar. The rumor was that they were going to reunite for Lollapalooza, but obviously, they did not.


One of my all time biggest regrets is never seeing the Pumpkins play live. They kicked off their farewell tour with a surprise show at my school (Illinois) and I didn't go. Some of my buddies stood in line for 12 hours to get tickets to that, and they told me it was completely worth it.

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D'arcy W. was the former bass player


ya i realy regret not seein gthem live, i really didnt go to concerts back then so i never got the chance. Not being going to their concert makes me go to all my favorite bands concerts just incase the band breaks up so i wont put it off.

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