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whats the farthest you've traveled for a car?


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I go out of state for all the cars I buy pretty much. It's the only way to find a clean car with no rust. My past two cars were both from TN. Florida isn't that far at all, especially if it's a car you want.
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I drove about 2 hours to get my Subie. Took the wife with me and made her drive the old beat down honda back :cool:


*Here is an idea: Save a few dollars, grab the wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/whoever and turn it into a road trip. You could take your time and kind of have a mini vacation. Grab a hotel, hit up some nice bars or clubs, and just enjoy the adventure. On another note whenever you buy used you never REALLY know what your getting and it never hurts to have someone follow you home JUST IN CASE something goes down. Just my $0.02

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Greyhound bus rides... I've taken 2 3-day greyhound bus rides. Not something you look forward to doing or you ever really want to repeat, but I suggest everyone take at least one for the experience. It's amazing the people I met and the things that happened to me and others on those two bus trips. It was crazy.
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I went to SC to pick-up my 1963 Volvo P1800.





Let's see some pictures of the P1800. I am pondering about getting one. My wife has a 850 and I have several chevy's and a ford, P1800 would be something different.

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Let's see some pictures of the P1800. I am pondering about getting one. My wife has a 850 and I have several chevy's and a ford, P1800 would be something different.


I sent you the pics thru email!!


If you have any questions please hit me up. I have owned volvo for 15 years and been a fanatic forever, also I worked at volvo for 4 years.



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