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Impressions from 9-8-06


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Fuck, I didn't even know any Cleveland guys made it. Last I heard they all bitched out so I and a few of the other bikes took off for campus and a cruise. When I came back the lot was fucking empty, so I checked out Stimmel. A bunch of the black guys on bikes were fighting and yelling, calling eachother's mommies bitches and what not. Sorry, but not my cup of tea. Racing is supposed to be friendly and entertaining. In my book, Cleveland fucking sucks and nobody from here should waste their time going up there. Coltboostin said it best when he said they only get 50 cars or so in one spot. Lame. We get more bikes than that at Taco Bell on campus.
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Fuck, I didn't even know any Cleveland guys made it. Last I heard they all bitched out so I and a few of the other bikes took off for campus and a cruise. When I came back the lot was fucking empty, so I checked out Stimmel. A bunch of the black guys on bikes were fighting and yelling, calling eachother's mommies bitches and what not. Sorry, but not my cup of tea. Racing is supposed to be friendly and entertaining. In my book, Cleveland fucking sucks and nobody from here should waste their time going up there. Coltboostin said it best when he said they only get 50 cars or so in one spot. Lame. We get more bikes than that at Taco Bell on campus.



Yup. 50 cars per spot-5 or 6 spots depending on the day. Also, these are 50 cars in which I can confidently say would mop what I saw down there, from a dig or a roll


And you can pick the spot. :)

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Yup. 50 cars per spot-5 or 6 spots depending on the day. Also, these are 50 cars in which I can confidently say would mop what I saw down there, from a dig or a roll


And you can pick the spot. :)


So, let me get this straight. Your "top 20%" didn't show, yet you know without question that they would "mop" our top 20%? (Whose cars those are, and whether or not they were in attendance is arguable.) You come down here, realize Columbus isn't just full of 14 second Hondas, bring a proverbial knife to a gunfight, but NE Ohio > Columbus anyway?


Foot, meet mouth.

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Yup. 50 cars per spot-5 or 6 spots depending on the day. Also, these are 50 cars in which I can confidently say would mop what I saw down there, from a dig or a roll


And you can pick the spot. :)

It is just like you say about cars the SHOULD run X times. Until it happens it is not a fact. So until 50 cars come down here and mop up a lot of 200 cars, you are just flapping your dick sucker.

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It is just like you say about cars the SHOULD run X times. Until it happens it is not a fact. So until 50 cars come down here and mop up a lot of 200 cars, you are just flapping your dick sucker.


Just like your claim of the IPS EVO trapping 140mph eh? :lol:


Yup. We will see what you got on the 29th if you feel chipper.

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I hope you know that the turbine housing as been changed since Alex had the car and is making much less power now than when Alex had it. Mike Phillips and Sherek put that car Together for Angelo. When Alex has it 138 was the best trap. Since Angelo has get it back from Phillips it has not been in the 130's.


So Mikes evo would have raped it.



Did I compare it to the evo or claim how much power it made? It has an assembly error, and or an oiling problem if it's going to keep doing this. Nothing more, nothing less. Detonation is going to melt pistons long before it is going to pound rod bearings into oblivion. Pre-ignition on the other hand......well that would most likely be caused by the map in the ecu, or the way the timing was set-up. That would be violent enough to maul the bearings, but at the pump gas boost level, there's nothing that the operator did wrong. For the record, I just met the kid for the first time on friday so I have no reason to defend him, other than the fact that he wouldn't know how to turn the boost up even if someone showed him.

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Yup. 50 cars per spot-5 or 6 spots depending on the day. Also, these are 50 cars in which I can confidently say would mop what I saw down there, from a dig or a roll


And you can pick the spot. :)






Were these cars you keep talking about here to proove this? :confused:

The spot was Columbus Sept 8 but you guys forgot. ;)

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why did cleveland pick jp to be their spokesman.


You notice that all the "fast" cars in cleveland arnt on message boards.


and why does he swing from all of their nuts hmmmm? i mean i consider myself freindly with some of the faster cars in the columbus scean that i have seen and met but i dont go on every board i can find and post that they are god and i must have their babies, allthough he does bring entertainment and some know-how but why are you so annoying jp only children poke bears and play copycat, i mena you say that powers dosnt know shit when you have no clue besides the few posts he makes directed at you. so you are no better than him but you wont give up cuz its "too fun" to stir the pot of ips yet again i say grow up

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Yup. 50 cars per spot-5 or 6 spots depending on the day. Also, these are 50 cars in which I can confidently say would mop what I saw down there, from a dig or a roll


And you can pick the spot. :)



Okay numb nuts, you must have missed this one. So, I'll explain it to you. We had 200 cars in one spot. That doesn't include the thrift store, central point, west side, east main, and everywhere else where people meet up. See, we have about ten spots which have just as many cars on any Friday/Saturday night. You're "50 cars in 5-6 spots" is fucking pathetic dude. Cleveland sucks. True story. Why would anyone here waste their time? If you guys think you're all so hard and fast, well come down. We've been going around with this for a long time now, and you guys still haven't brought anything fast down.

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I'll put $100 out there that says the IPS EVO will trap 140mph, if they ever decide to take it to the track. Any takers?




freindly $20 maybe :p:eek:


no more tuning, no more boost.. same jetts! ;)

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Yup. 50 cars per spot-5 or 6 spots depending on the day. Also, these are 50 cars in which I can confidently say would mop what I saw down there, from a dig or a roll


And you can pick the spot. :)

well since the 50 cars per did not show SO...... SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT IT. Which I am sure the rest of cr is too.

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I don't really think the evo is trapping 140 on boost yet, that's a good amount of power on a 35R to move a full weight car to that speed. However, it sure as fuck isn't trapping 125 as some self proclaimed "experts" have stated. :rolleyes:


The car will go the dyno. The car will go to the track. For now Mike is enjoying driving it every day and racing other fast street cars. When we have some numbers we will be sure and update all of northern Ohio about what the car actually runs so that everybody can rest easy again.

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Gearhead, okay, $20, whatever.


Mike C + Gearhead (+ Howard, even though I think you were being facetious) - on the bet, no stipulations about the driver, the set-up, the boost, or anything. Just two things: (1) it's the IPS EVO and (2) it traps 140mph or higher. Hell, I don't even know that much about the car, and you've even got Brett - who knows the car better than, well, probably everybody except for Mike - saying it's not a 140mph car. So, it should be easy money for you guys. :)

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At its claimed full weight, with no NO2, and no celebrity drivers (AKA, the owner diving this 140mph pass) and no other shenanigans-you on for the 29th.


No, no, no, dearest Coltboostin. Read:


Mike C + Gearhead (+ Howard, even though I think you were being facetious) and now Coltboostin - on the bet, no stipulations about the driver, the set-up, the boost, or anything. Just two things: (1) it's the IPS EVO and (2) it traps 140mph or higher. Hell, I don't even know that much about the car, and you've even got Brett - who knows the car better than, well, probably everybody except for Mike - saying it's not a 140mph car. So, it should be easy money for you guys. :)


Let the 34 page thread ensue? :)

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Satan, you dont own anything fast enough for me to


1)care what you say


2)waste any more of my time replying to you.









why did cleveland pick jp to be their spokesman.


You notice that all the "fast" cars in cleveland arnt on message boards.


and why does he swing from all of their nuts hmmmm? i mean i consider myself freindly with some of the faster cars in the columbus scean that i have seen and met but i dont go on every board i can find and post that they are god and i must have their babies, allthough he does bring entertainment and some know-how but why are you so annoying jp only children poke bears and play copycat, i mena you say that powers dosnt know shit when you have no clue besides the few posts he makes directed at you. so you are no better than him but you wont give up cuz its "too fun" to stir the pot of ips yet again i say grow up


for clarification, I swing off no nuts-the old heap went 10's@ 48mph turned down,and the new one will do the same or better on street tires.


Again this started as a Coltboostin vs. Dr Z06 ting, and has morphed into something else. I wont argue about who's scene is bigger or better anymore. your right that street racing is a put up or shut up kind of thing-so I will shut up.


I am hoping some C-bus guys make it up for the 29th,and we can arrange something thereafter.

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Gearhead, okay, $20, whatever.


Mike C + Gearhead (+ Howard, even though I think you were being facetious) - on the bet, no stipulations about the driver, the set-up, the boost, or anything. Just two things: (1) it's the IPS EVO and (2) it traps 140mph or higher. Hell, I don't even know that much about the car, and you've even got Brett - who knows the car better than, well, probably everybody except for Mike - saying it's not a 140mph car. So, it should be easy money for you guys. :)




For $20 says it never see's the other side of 140s in the traps.all boost, no bottle..


john, i hope it not another 20 pager

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Gearhead, okay, $20, whatever.


Mike C + Gearhead (+ Howard, even though I think you were being facetious) - on the bet, no stipulations about the driver, the set-up, the boost, or anything. Just two things: (1) it's the IPS EVO and (2) it traps 140mph or higher. Hell, I don't even know that much about the car, and you've even got Brett - who knows the car better than, well, probably everybody except for Mike - saying it's not a 140mph car. So, it should be easy money for you guys. :)


I asked qualifying questions here and on ColDSM because I think I that I confidently know what these cars are capable of better than most. If the car weighs what I think it weighs, and isn't being sprayed then it isn't going 140mph. It can be driven by Curt Brown, fed VP Import, ran at x PSI, liquid intercooled, or whatever else you want to happen, but there have been 3-4 EVOs in the country that have ever hit 140MPH with that turbo. All cars mentioned were lightened a decent amount (sometimes alot) and driven by very experienced drag racers.

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