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IPS Meeting Spot


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.02 more cents. Trash is bad & no real reason to leave it. People should pick up after themselves or YES be informed to leave. Smoking? I smoke & I'm addicted to them. I've no problem putting my cig butts in an empty plastic pop bottle & taking my pop bottle home with me when I leave, if I'm not permitted to be there policing my own butts, then thats ok, I won't come there - I don't think anyone would have problems with people policing their cig butts, but thought I'd mention it - Again leaving any parking lot with your trash & litter left behind is ridiculous & I agree with earlier posts, I'd bet there are people there we really don't need nor where invited -
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They will probably say something along the lines of "who the fuck are you to tell me to leave?"

"I'm the owner, thats who the fuck I am. I can have the cops here in 10 minutes to not only tell you to leave, but arrest you for criminal trespass and write you a $500 ticket for littering. You wan't to try something, say hello to all these witnesses and smile for the cameras."

9 out of 10 people who act like hardasses aren't.

Also, they don't get in unless they know the rules. You weed them out at the gate.

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"I'm the owner, thats who the fuck I am. I can have the cops here in 10 minutes to not only tell you to leave, but arrest you for criminal trespass and write you a $500 ticket for littering. You wan't to try something, say hello to all these witnesses and smile for the cameras."


Well although that would be effective (it would work on me if I was a dumbass), we cannot always expect a member/owner from IPS to police EVERYBODY who is fucking up. Plus, like the last meets, only one member was present and it is kind of a burden on them to have to police everyone when they are the ones kind of enough to let us into their lot.



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Maybe have a select few that are there mostly every weekend have on IPS shirts or something....say that you work there and have permission from the owner to throw your ass out if you are not abiding by the rules.
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I know I never post and have yet to come out, mainly because I have no fast car to race. but have you guys tried like a rotating meeting place? Like have 5 or so spots that you meet up at randomly and people are informed of the spot 2 or 3 days ahead with pms or messages on here.
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I know I never post and have yet to come out, mainly because I have no fast car to race. but have you guys tried like a rotating meeting place? Like have 5 or so spots that you meet up at randomly and people are informed of the spot 2 or 3 days ahead with pms or messages on here.


Doesnt work. All the people who like to act retarded and have loud ass pieces of shit for cars like to invade and do stupid shit untill every gets kicked out. Having a private lot prevents this. Those senior members or others whom are tightly looped with the business who frequent the meets are able to allow or not allow people to be there. As long as those who show up follow the simple rules, theres no need to rotate spots.


CASE AND POINT: If you dont show up with someone we know, youll be watched like a hawk. If we see anything we dont like, youll be politely warned.... if you still cant behave yourself, youll be asked to leave and not come back. If one thinks waiting a while and trying to come back another time will work... it wont.

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ok, i have a few things on my mind. i have like... 20 posts here, should that mean i cant get in if i make the drive some time? i dont think it should be something having to do with seniority, the reason i havent posted a lot is that i just moved to ohio, and college isnt giving me a lot of time to procrastinate on forums like i enjoyed so much during high school.

then, i dont think its cool to weed out the slow cars. i dont have a 13 second timeslip, but i can show you how i ran a 15.2 stock, and have since been working as much as possible, and spending every last cent to make this POS remotely fast! i do agree about having the random, non-car enthusiasts parking in a different area, or not coming in at all. if they dont share the passion for cars, they wont be respectful towards other peoples' cars.

smoking... i smoke, but as kohones mentioned, i carry a soda bottle for that reason, just in case there are no trash cans or ash trays. but IPS is amazing for letting people use their lot, so i know i wouldnt mind not smoking for a night (that night may just save me from cancer :p)

racing... how safe is it? do people ever get busted? im not one for street racing, i prefer keeping it at the track, but if its a back road where you dont see other cars, i guess thats cool.


i would love to make it out sometime just to meet some "locals" even though it isnt too local, because i dont know anyone around who enjoys shooting the shit about cars. the only person who i know who could semi vouch for me would be dane... (ultracamaro or whatever his username is) just because im new to the state, and dont know people... does that mean i cant show up?

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It certainly sounds like a problem. If the people you saw packing were part of the Loud stereo/ like to fight group, then it's probably best to kill of the meeting spot.


If you don't want to do that, then people in IPS tee-shirts patrolling the lot is your best bet. No warnings. If you're drinking alcohol at a CAR meet, gone. If you're being a fucking idiot (jumping on car hoods) gone. If you're caught littering, gone. If you're asked to turn down your stereo and don't, gone. Etc, etc.


You guys had a good idea by meeting on privately owned property, but some rules should have been enforced from night 1. It may be too late now. Perhaps it would be a good idea to kill the spot for now and resurrect it in the spring.


Give the ips guys bats and free roam.

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If they are acting like dumbasses and smoking weed and drinking in public, don't be nice enough to tell them you are gonna call the cops, just do it. I am sure the CPD would enjoy the tip and the drug bust/DUI no matter how small it is and would be more willing to help with your problem if you help them. I would only tell these idiots what you expect ONCE, because that is all a responsible adult should be told.
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If they are acting like dumbasses and smoking weed and drinking in public, don't be nice enough to tell them you are gonna call the cops, just do it. I am sure the CPD would enjoy the tip and the drug bust/DUI no matter how small it is and would be more willing to help with your problem if you help them.





Its franklin township not columbus PD.They have like 3 cops on duty at night.Might be a little hard to get them there over & over.

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I had my idea of what to do to correct the issue with meeting at the shop, but Jeff has decided against it and to not have people meet there at all for now.


As far as details I would wait to get them from him.

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