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IPS Meeting Spot


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I think that for the trash solution we should go out and get some of those cardboard trashcans they use at the fair and place them randomly. i will admit i had a rockstar last night and i was looking around for a trash can and couldnt find one so i just tossed the can into my car. i think the main thing we need to deal with is keeping people inline. i think IPS needs to be there to police the area. last night as far as i know most you guys left and then it got way out of hand.
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i think IPS needs to be there to police the area. last night as far as i know most you guys left and then it got way out of hand.


This weekend I dont think any of us were able to be out except for Tank on friday night. No clue if anyone showed last night other than Greg who was inside working until whatever time. Mike has been on vacation all week and I wasnt able to be down Fri or Sat night this weekend.


We will come up with a solid game plan and begin implementing it this week.


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I have yet to be out yet, mainly because we are still pieceing 77nova's supra back together, but I think this is rediculous. I think for now, the attendence should be restricted to CR members only. Like maybe have a special document that can only be PM'ed to you or something with your username and name on it, along with information about your car, and then take turns collecting them at the entrance. It sucks that this may have to get that organized, but it may have to happen.


*sigh* I hope I get to go out there at least once before it gets shut down....

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and also this is why I can't have people to my place as I have a big lot and it is on a old "spot" but I will not let people I can not control get me in trouble with my neighbors and landlord and make my place look bad. I hope IPS has luck in fixing this but sadly I don't see them finding a way to fit 20 years of lack of parenting into one night. People if you have kids teach Respect please and send them to the scouts too.
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Just kick all the drunk guys out and the people with loud systems. And anyone you find littering tell them to leave. Thats all that needs to be done.

Not quite. These people don't just leave when you ask them. Last night there were groups of assholes just standing around. Try asking all of them to leave. When Greg started asking people to turn down their stereos people just started throwing stuff towards him. One guy mentioned that he should get his .38 out of his trunk. It's going to take a lot more than just asking them to go.

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well they all heard about the spot through CR. I would assume every piece of trash (the people) that sit out there and drink heard about it through someone on CR.



I heard about what happened with you last night, and that shit is not cool. We are going through a similar problem up here. W found a great spot-cops and owners don’t mind s being there. A few weeks pass, and a random large group of ghetto PR’s appear. They play their meing meing music loud in there 18 sec muff’d Corolla’s, start fights..ect.


Last week, The threatened a friend of mine who asked them to turn there music down. It tool Mr. Easton and I so calm the situation and get them to leave. It seems no matter where we go, or how quietly we do it (the not location was not posted) the fuckers that cause all the trouble seem to find there way.


It seems the only way it will work for us is to make it 100% exclusive.-Have online invitations, and a parking lot with one entrance-No invitation, no beans. As much as I don’t want to bother with this, with today’s rush of young “tuff guys”, we don’t have much of a choice besides stooping to their level and me going to jail for assault.

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I like the idea of a "fast cars only" lot. Keep the 1978 Dodge vands and toyota tercels off in the side lots. No pickups or any of that horseshit. Exclude these people from the group and they'll stay out of the way.


:bs:I think that is a bunch of BS! what about the guys like me who don't have the financial backing for a fast car but still like cars and bullshitting about them?

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:bs:I think that is a bunch of BS! what about the guys like me who don't have the financial backing for a fast car but still like cars and bullshitting about them?

My statement was based more on the ascertion that 100% of the people causing the problems were driving shitboxes. I dont have the financial backing to make a fast car either...but I still have one. There's al kinds of way to be fast if you just dont give a shit about asthetics. ;) Making 4 wheels go fast is not hard.


Observation from my time in the street racing "scene":

-The people that talk the most shit dont have fast cars

-The people that cause the most trouble often dont have cars

-The more people at a gathering, the greater the number of assholes. its simple statistics.


Curbe the number of people and you'll have a good event. When engaging in certain activites, you certainly cannot argue that it's bad to have more people then is neccesary.


If you want to show up and BS, make freinds with some one with a fast car and ride out with them. ro just make freinds with some one here and get in on the invite.


IPs was a place to meet up and race, untill the slow masses found out. Now you have the demographic of insecure males with no technical aptitude (to build a car), no steady job (to buy a car), and no disciplin (to drive the car). It's a bunch of asshats out to show off. As evident by the;



-Drucg abuse

-Parking lot racers



Linns earlier comment, "Show up to race", should stand. If you're not there to do that, you dont need to be there. I remember back in the day when I had to hange out with a group for X amount of time before I was allowed to go out to "the spot". This was a good way to do things.

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Well, if people are starting to bring guns and attract that kind of crowd, I would say this spot is finished. I would hate to see someone injured over telling one of these fucks to leave, because I doubt they will just say "Yes sir" and go.


Or, maybe skip a weekend or something to eliminate some of these fucks. If no one else shows up, they will think the spot might be dead.


For those saying get the police involved in controlling the lot, how do you plan on doing this? The police certainly won't stay there and control things. They get OT to do stupid things like that, and it is probably the farthest thing on their list of to-do's while on duty.


My 0.2.

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It certainly sounds like a problem. If the people you saw packing were part of the Loud stereo/ like to fight group, then it's probably best to kill of the meeting spot.


If you don't want to do that, then people in IPS tee-shirts patrolling the lot is your best bet. No warnings. If you're drinking alcohol at a CAR meet, gone. If you're being a fucking idiot (jumping on car hoods) gone. If you're caught littering, gone. If you're asked to turn down your stereo and don't, gone. Etc, etc.


You guys had a good idea by meeting on privately owned property, but some rules should have been enforced from night 1. It may be too late now. Perhaps it would be a good idea to kill the spot for now and resurrect it in the spring.

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Already this morning we have discussed blocking off all up one entrance and making it a private gathering. Checking every car comming in and giving the one allowed in some rules. This will be somthing that is done for a few weeks to weed out the losers. This is just a thought.


The township cops said they have nothing really to do and would come by one an hour. So as of right now the IPS lot is a PRIVATE gathering. If I do not know who you are good luck getting in.

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We will discuss it thru the week and post what we decide will happen prior to friday. IMO it will be one of two things:


1) Shut down completely.


2) Invite-only. Meaning, we will block off every entrance but one and 7 or 8 of us will be there to turn away every single person that isnt on the list.

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If I do not know who you are good luck getting in.

I don't think we've met? :)


A thought; Those abulances need to get out, so you can't go blocking all the entrances. You also cant make them use the same one as us, since there may be a traffic jam. Perhaps you should block that end off like this:


Have the cops remove anyone that parks south of the ambulance entrance. It'll give them a free flowing exit without traffic or pedestrians.

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^^^That looks like a good idea.^^^


I know alot of people on here, but apparently I don't know the 'right' people. I don't cause any trouble, I pick up after myself, I don't play my music loud. However I don't have a 'fast' car compared to everything else out there. It's decent, you don't expect it to be quick. I just don't have the funds to play with right now. I've held the same job for 3 1/2 years and I make a dollar more than minimum wage. I love cars. I'm very knowledgable about them. Ask me anything and I can prolly give you a decent answer.

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I've held the same job for 3 1/2 years and I make a dollar more than minimum wage.....Ask me anything and I can prolly give you a decent answer.

Why are you still working there? :)


Something else to consider, something I took into account before I burnt the gas to show up friday night. When it is said "come to race", it means don't come if you're not willing or able to race. This is the IPS spot, the hang out and BS spot is still Mr Geero's. If there's a want to just hang out and BS, we aught to hit Geeros first, 9pm or so, and just hang out there. If you intend to pit your vehicle against others, then head to IPS at about 11. If not, stay, or get a ride with some one who is able and is going.


Not that anyone at IPS is racing, I'm speaking purely hypotheticaly. We all know they just let people in to play GT4, thats the "Racing". Make sure you've got something good on your memory card. :)

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uh idk haha....its hard to leave a job that you know sooo well...its like second nature you go in do your stuff and go home. recently i have been looking for another job tho....the first couple years i was working there i was still in high school....and i just havent left yet.

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