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Bizarre interview questions?????


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Today I had an interview for a part time job, everything seemed fine until the District manager started asking really personal questions.


What does your mom do for a living?

What does your dad do for a living?

Where do they live?

Are they still together?


Along with many other bizarre questions I thought, were out of line

Is it just me or are these a little too personal?


Granted because of the nature of these questions I was taken back and I’m sure it showed to the DM. I don’t tell strangers everything about my personal family life, thats private to me.


Before I talked to the DM I had first interview with the store manager, then had to take an hour long “MINI-SAT” test which included 4 sections of math, 3 English, and a comprehension section WTF???


All this for a damn 6.50 an hour video store job? WTF????


Had to rant..


thanks guys

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Absolutely not. You had every right to say: "I don't see how that question pertains to your evaluation of my qualifications, if you can tell me how it does I would be more than happy to answer the question."


In a sales interviews HR folks will often ask these questions to test the strength of your personality.


I cant believe you were asked that kind of question for that type of job though.

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Absolutely not. You had every right to say: "I don't see how that question pertains to your evaluation of my qualifications, if you can tell me how it does I would be more than happy to answer the question."


In a sales interviews HR folks will often ask these questions to test the strength of your personality.


I cant believe you were asked that kind of question for that type of job though.


That's what I told him. Understandable like when I applied to Honda, not for a video store. Probably just testing your personality is all.

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I have easily interviewed over 50 people in the last six months. Any questions not pertaining to the position being applied for is wasting both peoples time. Some ass clown on a power trip trying to see if his life is better than yours would get ZERO minutes of my time.


BTW, what set b do you have that limits you to a $6.50 per hour job?

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Thats kinda screwy. I agree with the above post about testing your integrity but at the same time its overkill for a video store position. When I was going through my orientation for honda, they had us do a simple math and reading test. Out of 15 people in my class, 7 failed it!
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Out of 15 people in my class, 7 failed it!


Thats because 7 out of 15 ppl in the world are absolute fucking morons, see the other thread about road rage and the dumbass's the CR members encounter daily, unfortunately those 7 ppl are always behind the wheel of a car at some time...

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Asking some of those questions can be argued, in court, as illegal.


The following guidelines, called the Fair Inquiry Guidelines were established by the EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in order to provide specific protection from discrimination in hiring certain protected classes.


Subject: Relatives Marital Status

Unlawful Inquiries: Whether the applicant is married, divorced, separated, engaged, widowed, etc. "What is your marital status?", if over 18 "What is the name of relative/spouse/children?", "With whom do you reside?", "Do you live with your parents?", "How old are your children?"

Lawful Inquiries: "What are the names of relatives already employed by the company or a competitor?", other than that specific question, NONE.


I'd have thrown those right back in his face.


"Do you ask illegal questions of all of your prospective employees?" "Are you aware of the penalties set forth by the EEOC?"


"Thank you for wasting my time. I choose to work for superiors who are properly educated and prepared for the general work environment"

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Asking some of those questions can be argued, in court, as illegal.


The following guidelines, called the Fair Inquiry Guidelines were established by the EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in order to provide specific protection from discrimination in hiring certain protected classes.


Subject: Relatives Marital Status

Unlawful Inquiries: Whether the applicant is married, divorced, separated, engaged, widowed, etc. "What is your marital status?", if over 18 "What is the name of relative/spouse/children?", "With whom do you reside?", "Do you live with your parents?", "How old are your children?"

Lawful Inquiries: "What are the names of relatives already employed by the company or a competitor?", other than that specific question, NONE.


I'd have thrown those right back in his face.


"Do you ask illegal questions of all of your prospective employees?" "Are you aware of the penalties set forth by the EEOC?"


"Thank you for wasting my time. I choose to work for superiors who are properly educated and prepared for the general work environment"


+1 for some damn good info. I did not know this till just now. Thanks a lot.

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