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Peace I'm out.


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I'm graduating in 7 days and I received a job offer in Michigan to be a dynamics lab technician doing R&D work on performance valve springs. I'm 99% sure I will be taking the job. Luckily I already have some friends in the Detroit area so it won't be so bad. I just wanted to thank anyone who has helped me with my car or anything else. I hope that I have returned the favor. I'm definitely going to miss Columbus and I've made friends here that I hope I will keep in touch with for a long time. I'll probably still be around from time to time since my family is here. Don't hesitate to call if your in the Detroit area or if you need help with anything.


I also might become part of the rotary family. :) I've been looking at a new RX8 (Found a few really good deals). Couldn't be any worse in the snow then my supra. :)

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I cant hate on following the money- because Ive done the same- BUT if youre going rotary, get a nice RX-7. For the sake of humanity.



No I don't need another project. Looking for a fun, good looking daily driver that I don't need to mod or worry about.

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peace out doug, good meeting you here in cbus, I'll holler at ya when I am in Detroit, I know of a Caladdaughs up there we can hit up

At this claddagh's the waitress has seen me c-walk and fall into some tables and Clark acted like vin diesel.


Great to hear man. I know you wanted to go to denver but hey if it pays the bills it can't be that bad! You should stay in touch as well!

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Drunk Adam to Waitress -

"Its going to be crazy, not like to crazy, but like serious crazy"


Waitress to Adam-

"Ohh yeah well let ME get YOUR number and I will call you sometime tonight"


Clark to Waitress-

"OK he doesnt mean like WEIRD crazy but fun.....I think"


Clark to Adam-

"Dude she isnt going to call I think"


Adam to Clark-

"She better, if she wants to have some fun"


**While walking out**


Berto and Adam Screaming-

"Fucking, O-H-I-O, Bitches"


Most expensive hamburger thing ever.



Doug good luck man. You still going to keep the supra?

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Drunk Adam to Waitress -



Doug good luck man. You still going to keep the supra?


Yeah I built the motor that's in the black one and should have a clean body to put it in soon.



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Just an update. My counter offer was approved so I signed today. Already been up there to look at places and should be signing a lease tomorrow. My first day is Oct 9th. I can't wait to start. The company is PAC Racing a division of Peterson Springs. THey make an assortment of automotive springs. I'll be mostly working on valve springs. We supply IRL, NASCAR, and some ALMS teams with suspension and valve springs. We also used to make all of Comp Cams springs, but now only there PAC Alloy ones. I'll be helping to start up a new R&D program focused around the new LSX motors. It will be nice to finally be making a decent amount of money.


Oh and Phil PM your number so we can get together after I get settled.

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