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Fat kid, meet gravity.


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Whoa, that kid may have a broken neck/paralysis. Notice the stiffness in the limbs and the seemingly reflexive gasping? "Not a good sign," says Doctor Obvious.

And his inability to say "owe" audibly. His fat falls at 9.8 mps, too, and it would have impacted his rib cage with alot of force. His arm is definately broken in at least on place. He may have even forced his humerous out of its socket and half way across his back, look at how he's laying on it.

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Wow, someone just got seriously hurt and you guys are acting all...serious! Aren't we supposed to laugh at others misfortune? hehe


Sorry, didn't mean to come across all serious. Truth be told, I laughed hard when he fell, but then my reaction turned to amazement as it focused on the aftermath.

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