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Car almost got totaled


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Last night I was coming home. I turned onto my road and noticed this ass-hat in a teal colored newer Escort. I slow down to pull into my driveway (turning left), and this FUCKER decided to go to the LEFT of me JUST as I was about to turn into my driveway. As I hear this fucker go by I hear the girl in the passenger seat scream REALLY loud like there was about to be an accident.


I sat there on my street for a second. Then floored it and within a few second got right on this dudes ass. He slowed down and didn't speed up. I followed him for a few more houses and just said to myself "fuck it". Turned around and went home.


Then I got out of my car when I got home and waited for this ass-clown to come back down the road so I could chuck a beer bottle at him. He didn't though.


If I would have ended up turning he would have almost definatley hit me square in the driver door and the fender. He was probably going a good 25 mph when he passed me.


I doubt he'll be coming down my road anytime soon. Because if I see him and I'm outside, his window is going to be broken.

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