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Candle Light Vigil Tonight for Fallen Rider --- 05-25-07

Venture Guy

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Hey guys,

I am not sure if anyone knows but the other night there was a fatal motorcycle accident on Sunbury Road with an 18yr old high school student. I was involved in this tragedy. I recieved a phone call from Brian Rigsbys mother informing me there is a candlelight vigil at 10:15 the time of the accident. I wanted to post up to see if anyone would like to attend with me and ride over. I talked with Ben Stillman and he said he would join me with his fiance. I know this is last minute but i believe the parents and friends would appreciate the support.

If anyone would like to attend i will be at iron pony at 9:45 and then leave at 10pm to ride up to the area. My # is 330-904-7976 if anyone has any questions


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update to this

my neighbor who went to school with this kid is trying to organize a ride tomm afternoon for the funeral. he plans on meeting at the westerville rec center @ 1pm. its on cleveland ave just befor you get to polaris blvd. From there we are going to ride to the church and then from the church to the cemetery.

All this is weather dependant. Hes going to ride regaurdless unless its pouring down rain and i told him i would to. Hes doing his best to organize this ride, but for only 17 hes not too tied into the motorcycle world yet and i told him i would help him out the best i can.

So if anyone can join in on this ride, it would mean alot to him and his friend and family.

his cell phone number is 614*805*8646

his name is sean and if you would like any other details on this, feel free to give him a call anytime between now and tomm afternoon and if he doesnt answer, just leave him a message and he will call you back asap.

thanks for reading

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I stopped by the memorial on Sunbury rd and payed my respects yesterday.It's a shame that something like this had to happen to such a young and bright kid.My prayers go out to his family.

Please ride safe guys.

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