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I wont at this point cause i dont know if he wants to come out and talk about this. And some of you know him.


I will tell you this his BAL. was .01 over the limit. So he had like 1 beer and they still got him. He would never drive under the influance cause both of his parents were killed by a DUI driver.

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Some suggestions you could make to your friend are:

Not be an idiot

not drink and drive.

problem solved.


wow, you dee dee dee...this would be a WONDERFUL suggestion if it wasnt AFTER THE FACT. fact is it has already happened....telling him not to drink and drive now isnt really going to do shit about what has already come upon him. trying to be a hardass isnt impressing anyone

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I wont at this point cause i dont know if he wants to come out and talk about this. And some of you know him.


I will tell you this his BAL. was .01 over the limit. So he had like 1 beer and they still got him. He would never drive under the influance cause both of his parents were killed by a DUI driver.


So he was a .09? That would mean he either had a bunch of drinks within a couple hrs times or slowly drank his way for a good few hours.


1 beer in 1 hr might not even be a .01 depending on his body weight.

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I wont at this point cause i dont know if he wants to come out and talk about this. And some of you know him.


I will tell you this his BAL. was .01 over the limit. So he had like 1 beer and they still got him. He would never drive under the influance cause both of his parents were killed by a DUI driver.

the all say the had 1 beer.

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if i remember correctly, what we learned back in HS health class (i know, not the best info) was for a 6' 200lb man, 1 beer per hour = .02...so 4 beers/hr = .08. i know it differs with body size and other factors too, but i dont see 1 beer getting a midget to .08
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Maybe he had a mouthful of beer and spewed it into the tube? Sorry that's not funny. There are too damn many yellow and red license plates running around as it is. Chances are he'll get the book thrown at him, it's the drug dealers and theives that get put right back on the streets.
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This is the worst advice I've ever heard.



Yeah your right......let me know when he loses his DL and paid thousands of dollars for it. Ask if it was worth it then.



You say he never drinks and drives because his parents were killed by a DUI driver, but yet he has been charged with a DUI. Anybody that gets behind the wheel while under the influence is a piece of shit......I don't care if its thier first time or last. If they hit my family they are as good as dead anyway.


The amount of people that walk into my office and say I will never do it again or it was my first time is crazy. The average person drives drunk 100 times before actually geting caught.


I am getting sick of seeing these threads about DUIs and what do I do. How about quite being a worthless human being and do something resposible. Pisses me off.

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wow. im glad to say im not one of those "88 times a year" people.


i think ive done it once, which i know was the dumbest thing possible...99% of the time im drinking, i either stay where im at, or have someone pick me up/drive home


shit...i remember when i was 19 i didnt feel like staying where i was, called my mom drunk as shit, had her drive 20 min to come get me at 1am...she then proceeded to tell me that she would drink me under the table when i turned 21

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who the fuck is counting all 88 times?


being .09 means for only a couple drinks (give him the benefit of the doubt) he'd have to be...i dunno, 110 pounds with football gear on soaking wet.


Pretty damn close ya.


2 drinks (1drink = 1 1/2oz 80proof, or 12oz beer)... 95lbs... 1 hr = approx .09


If he was average 180lbs.. 4.5 drinks... 1hr = approx .09


If he drank for a few hours he would add an additional 1 drink per hour to maintain his BAC levels..

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Anybody that gets behind the wheel while under the influence is a piece of shit......I don't care if its thier first time or last. If they hit my family they are as good as dead anyway.


Quoted for accuracy.. I have no problem killing someone who is inclined to drive drunk and then hit one of my family memebers.

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Yeah your right......


Thanks i was waiting till someone would admit it.


In all seriousnesss, your fucked if you get a DUI no matter what there is no "getting out of it". HOWEVER, you can manage the severity of the consequence's by having GOOD legal representation.

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