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The Asshole On 270


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This is to the asshole in a dark family sedan who decided to ride my ass on my way home this morning and barely missed me when i slammed on my brakes and all other dumb fucks just like him. If you are riding my ass, especially to the point I can't see your lights, next time i will totaly lock up my brakes instead of just getting on them hard and I will make sure you hit me. Then after you hit me I will get out and beat the living fuck out of you and go about my way and if I happen to have a loved one with me, I will go about my way and get your plate and then follow up by tracking you down. If I am in the left lane going 72 and passing people up because they are doing 60 I am not going to speed up just because you left late. I swear to fuckin god I am so sick of people who ride my ass and I am going to start reacting to this. I dont give a flying fuck if I have to pay for the damage, I gaurantee you will think twice before riding someones ass the next time.

grow up you young punk you no you got your butt kick all your life you wet behind the ear SISSY.

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jeeze My 6 yr old is more mature than this.


If this is the only thing that you can come up with the talk about, I pity you.


But please let me know if this actually turns into something more than an E battle over the Internet. I would be most amused to watch the two of you beat each other silly and would even bring a supply of chains and ball bats to throw in the ring to increase the carnage.

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Fuck all you selfrightous assholes. I drive fast enough in the far left lane to get my liscense taken all the time and theres always a bunch of asshats riding my ass in there SUVs or BMWs. The way I see it is if they pass me they are going to have to go 90 to 100 easily and if they feel that I should get out of there way so that they can avoid a citation for passing on the right they are insane. Fuck it if you won't obey one traffic law why obey any of them.

/rant mode off



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Fuck all you selfrightous assholes. I drive fast enough in the far left lane to get my liscense taken all the time and theres always a bunch of asshats riding my ass in there SUVs or BMWs. The way I see it is if they pass me they are going to have to go 90 to 100 easily and if they feel that I should get out of there way so that they can avoid a citation for passing on the right they are insane. Fuck it if you won't obey one traffic law why obey any of them.

/rant mode off





I know you can be cool in person , So I aplogize for the rant about to follow........................







You have the right to dictate speed to the guy driving the BMW/SUV/ Car Nicer Than Yours ?


I dont' understand why/how people struggle with this concept, its widely adopted everywhere else in the world.


" Tailgating is very common and quite aggressive, especially on the left lane of the autobahn, where etiquette dictates that slower vehicles give way immediately by moving to the right lane"


Of course we probably dont' see many redneck's driving toyota trucks on the autobahn. I Suppose I should just move..... Or get that roof mounted RGP installed.



PS: http://www.leftlanedicks.com

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the problem in many areas as I see it is that folks typically:


Are blind and never look up or pay attention to what's around them...my personal pet peeve...along with driving in my blind spot and passing at very low rates of speed....I could go on but won't.....


Cause Road-Rage episodes by not moving over and do it purposely


Don't care and never move over because they figure the car will pass to the right


Are ignorant and don't have any etiquette at all and that's their excuse




" Tailgating is very common and quite aggressive, especially on the left lane of the autobahn, where etiquette dictates that slower vehicles give way immediately by moving to the right lane"

PS: http://www.leftlanedicks.com

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hehe. Well I don't drive a toyota truck on the highway anyway and in the rare cases that I do its going around 50 and in the farthest right lane that I can get in. No one ever tail gates that truck and if anyones actually dumb enough to do so they most likely get dents and broken crap from all the debris falling off the truck after every pothole.

I just don't see a problem with passing on the right and do it all the time without ever acting like an ass to anyone that I have to pass on the right. Its no big deal and definately not worth flashing bright lights or honking/tailgating. they've already proven that they don't care about their personal saftey by aggressively tailgating someone and its suprising how many rabbits jump out in front of me out on the highway:-)



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Why encourage passing on the right....this is the main cause for "swerving" in and out of traffic. If you are just "cruising" in the left lane on the autobahn guess what....you get a ticket. The problem with most American drivers is that it is me me and me. Driving on the right and passing on the left is "courteous" some people on this thread need to look this word up on dictionary.com or somthing. I'm 18 years old and can understand a simple concept....i havent had problems until i find some other American that thinks "oh heaven forbid if i have to be courteous to sombody but myself" Hate all you want on these simple thoughts.....



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Are ignorant and don't have any etiquette at all and that's their excuse


I think this is the best fitting reason why people act like they do on the roads. However, the lack of intellegent thought and the lack of basic logic makes the people think that they are not doing anything wrong and the guy following them is the one at fault. Until our society is made up of people who are not stupid this is a problem we will most likley have to deal with.

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