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Fucking North Korea


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"The North will regard the United Nations resolution imposing sanctions, whether financial or military, as a declaration of war, he said.


``If the Bush administration makes more provocations, both New York City and Tokyo will be blazed,’’ Kim said. He added the North is targeting the United States but does not want to wage a war against the South as long as Seoul takes a neutral position.


2 workds for Kim Jong Ill. Bring it.

We still have some nuclear tiped cruise missles, and I am prety sure we can find his address.

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Our surveilence efforts so far have yet to produce evidence of radiation in the test area. This means:

A: it was 200 tons of TNT, they want us to think they hava a nuke.

B: The H bomb was less then 1/4 kiloton, they can't produce enough fissionable material to make a decent weapon.


North Korea is a joke.

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The only suck is him being a hardliner means that he could start shit just to say he did.



NK don't have to much stuff we need.......


Kia's arent that great so Blah kill them all and let there creator/whatever you beleive sort them out.

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The only suck is him being a hardliner means that he could start shit just to say he did.



NK don't have to much stuff we need.......


Kia's arent that great so Blah kill them all and let there creator/whatever you beleive sort them out.

"Those are South Korean Jack, those are our Koreans."

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I think if that statement is coming from that goofy haired mofo we need to turn NK into a parking lot and stop playing.
Better yet, we'll put up a series of Walmarts, flood their country with white trash, & bleed their economy dry.


They'll beg us to invade.

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