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Builing Home Theater Stuff


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Where in town to go buy home theater stuff?


I'm going to get a HDTV from one of the chains mostly becasue of financing. Otherwise I'm going to need a reciever, upconverting dvd, and speaker system.


I'm looking for mid-range stuff, decent price with high value. Nothing too top end or crap.


And suggestions? Anyone have something to sell/swap/trade?

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I have had great experiences with the guys at Progressive Audio. Check them out at http://www.progressiveaudio.com They have some decently priced stuff in their rooms down stairs.


There are a few other places around town that I've heard good things about, but have never been to. The two that come to mind are Genesis Audio and Digital Interiors.


Regardless if you find anything, places like this are the only way you are going to be able to actually listen to what you might want in a somewhat realistic listening environment. Also, some of their high end stuff that you’ll probably never be able to afford is just fun to check out. If you go to Progressive Audio ask them to show you their ‘apartment’ that’s fully automated.

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I'd be interested to see some response's on this. I'm building a "man room" in the basement. So far i've got a 52" Rca rear projection hdtv ready, i know not the best but you cant go wrong for 200$. and two Kenwood dj tower speakers ( 2 x 12" subs), again not the best but they were free.


I plan on sinking some money into the receiver and dvd player (using the ps2 wont cut it this time) and some decent, though not overly priced suround speakers. One advantage is that im actually going to be able to build the room around the system, using fabric's and some strategically places sound deading material should make it sound better than the sum of its parts. What kind of tv are you going for? dlp, flatpanel? what kind of budget are you trying to stay in? this stuff can get crazy expensive.

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I have had a lot of help at Audio Encounters (Dublin). I got most of my current Home Theater setup from there (mid level Paradigm components mostly in my case). It's a great place to audition stuff from their low end (which is still good stuff) to insane reference equipment. They also have a knowledgeable staff that are good at educating you and demonstrating what they are saying... not just talking you into more expensive product, although better sound often goes together with more $ - but not always (BOSE - better sound through...marketing).
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Your speakers are, by far and above, the single most important piece of the equation, I would not skimp on those. To be blut about it, most "DJ" speakers sound like shit. Use them for now, but save up for a nice set of main speakers.


absolutly, i know they'll sound like shit on any sort of HD system, they were ok when listening to rap/rock music, but that's what i have for now and their free so ill be using them until i find something else. Not to mention a large portion of my budget is going into actually building the room and furniture itself. probably wont be completely done for a while but i'll be starting on it in the next few weeks.

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