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Concealed Carry: for the non believers.


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To those who question the


a.) right


b.) privilege


of those who decide to carry a firearm off duty as an officer or as a regular citizen, this link is for you.






Even in the nicest places, the strangest things can happen.

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Don't think concealed carry would have helped there, most if not all businesses won't allow people to bring a firearm into thier business anyway. If the mgr had one thats another thing but who knows same rule may follow for management as well.


I understand your point and completely agree with you.

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if there is liquer sold at the establishment that you cant bring it in


<---way pro gun here but i have a friend that has it and barley carrys it anymroe cuz of all those signs


im going to get it at ohio valley its a one day class 150 bucks

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if there is liquer sold at the establishment that you cant bring it in


<---way pro gun here but i have a friend that has it and barley carrys it anymroe cuz of all those signs


im going to get it at ohio valley its a one day class 150 bucks


It is pretty f'n sad yes.


Normally those classes are 150-300 bucks or so ya.

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Whats invovled with getting it ? I do hate that alot of places wont let you take you gun..



I am so pro gun.


i'm working on my collection now.


IIRC the course is $100 and is a week or 2.



John do you know what the rules are when it comes to CC and riding a motorcycle??

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John do you know what the rules are when it comes to CC and riding a motorcycle??


That question was brought up on another website I visit actually. The only answer is... Your suppose to have your firearm exposed while in a vehicle so that it can be visibly seen by an officer at time of stop, or locked in a glove compartment box. Now keeping that in mind, do they really want a motorcycle rider riding around with an exposed firearm? The only thing I can think of is to lock it in the "trunk" of the bike and that should be considered perfectly legal. With our very sad and sloppy carry laws here in Ohio, its hard to judge sometimes.

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IIRC the course is $100 and is a week or 2.



John do you know what the rules are when it comes to CC and riding a motorcycle??


The vehicle transport part of the law is the dumbest part. Inside the a vehicle (which, yes is the same if you are ON a motorcycle to them) the firearm has to be in Plain Sight (loose term) on your person - OR locked in a compartment out of view. So if I am in my car the gun that was once completely undetectable now has to be in plain sight, and if you're on a motorcycle - it's pretty darn obvious to everyone around you. I have been hoping they would change that part, but so far.. no change. It just seems really dumb to have to fumble with a loaded gun MORE in public and potentially have people see you messing with a gun while getting in/out of your vehicle and freaking out. I can't understand why I can be trusted to hide a gun on my person anywhere that isn't explicitly posted against it, but have to fumble around with it in plain sight when a vehicle comes into play. As a police officer it's probably nice to be able to see what you're dealing with more readily, but if the person carrying does what he's supposed to - any police officer would already be notified that you have a gun on you before they'd spot it anyway.


I could cry about this topic for hours, but like anything - there'a alot of red tape to overcome and hopefully they'll get it all smoothed out soon.


Edit: Oops, John beat me to some of these points above.

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Good insight as well twisted. I wish they would change the laws too, but were at least lucky enough to have a carry law :(


When Im on my motorcycle I will keep it in my side holster under my coat or on occasion put it in the "trunk" of the bike. I would just advise anyone who carries on a bike to lock it in the trunk, just to be safe.


Scion... guns arent scary :) Guns dont kill people, people kill people.

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Yeah, to me, guns are only scary in the hands of the unfamiliar or ill-intentioned.


I think if you can show some semblance of safety knowledge and pass a detailed background search (requirements for the license), there is no good reason for a person not to carry if they so choose. The only potential issue outside of that, in my view, is that there are probably a few out there that are plenty stable most of the time, but can be easily swayed to the "When you're holding a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail" mentality (like, people getting into an argument and someone pulling a gun while not under threat of loss of life of severe injury - just to be a "badass" or to "win the fight"). However, I haven't seen much of that kind of thing around here yet, and hopefully we won't because it will make things harder on the rest of us.


I wish they would change the laws too, but were at least lucky enough to have a carry law :(


I agree. I'll take a bit of red tape on the front side if that's what they had to agree to for the bill to pass... Now we just need to make sure it sticks around and work at making it less cumbersome - which in itself will make carry safer for everyone.

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IIRC, these should have most of the info you need on CCWing.



The problem with Ohio carry laws is, most of the rules are subjective, and left to the officer to decide. This makes it VERY hard to follow the rules, since the rules aren't clearly written out.


On that note, I myself, am working on getting my CCW. I might carry, but I mostly want to to be a statistic.

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Our state has the shittiest, most ass-backwards concealed carry laws. I have my CCW and I don't even bother carrying anymore because there are so many rules and "gray areas" that it's just not worth it. The criminals really do have more rights than we have when it comes to concealed carry.


It's totally fucking ignorant.

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You are right. It's scary for me because I don't know about guns well enough but I am no safer with them than without. If they want me dead, I'll be dead.


Plus I know people that will have no problems getting their CCW that I wouldnt trust with a rolling pin, let alone a 9mm.


Just my opinion...

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There is a big difference in someone handing you a gun and saying, "point it that way" and taking a professionally prepared course. I used to live in Minnesota and at 12 every kid takes firearms safety in order to go hunting. Topics covered are things like weapons safety, first aid, target identification etc... More than just "point it that way". Seriously do not fear the unknown. There was an incident a few years ago with some guy shooting up a school and one of the kids saw the guy's rifle jam. He picked his moment and knocked the guy out, it is not bad to know how they work.
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next time we have a shootfest you should come you can learn to shoot handguns and rifles. Even if you were never to shoot agin you would at least have a better understanding of them and the basic knowledge to know how to handle one if you ever needed to.
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