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Any Marines in Here?

Guest Hal

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I'm looking into joining the Corps as a reservist and I was looking to see if any of you have any experience that might help my decision. I am fully aware that as a reservist I could be deployed at any time, that doesn't bother me. The main thing I am looking at is personal experiences of how you liked being in the corps or how you hated it either way. Do you feel you improved through the training? Do you feel like you would do it again if you had the chance? Any insight would be great.
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i feel it was the best exp , and would never take anything back and would do it all over again.


training is nuts man , personally i thought it was the funniest shit due to the comments the DI's say about recruits, but yet was some of the hardest times physically and mentally. I say go for it man if thats what you want to do, you can only make yourself better by things you learn , plus your body will be in tip top shape.

Only downfall i could think of is just being away from family, but im sure you already thought of that, if your single then they will give you everything you need.

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Mentally I would assume would be the hardest part, physically I shouldn't have much of a problem if I give myself about 2 months to get back into shape. Do you know how long the training is for reservists?
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yeah the military is def not for everyone one. Thats one thing i did not like, just not always being able to do what i wanted, and my life revolving around the marines. Other times there was nothing to do, and we would always get half days, they always use to tell me " hurry up and wait" but when you worked you worked.
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Hey! This is Senator John Kerry. I have a few words about your plan to join the service.


Instead of that, why not just go to school? Go get an education and study hard, or else you'll just get stuck in Iraq.





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Hey! This is Senator John Kerry. I have a few words about your plan to join the service.


Instead of that, why not just go to school? Go get an education and study hard, or else you'll just get stuck in Iraq.









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The only experience I've learned from the military is I should have joined the air force. There is hardly any difference in job titles but the air force gets paid a lot more and lives in much better housing. Once out of basic and all that you'll get bragging rights by saying you've had it harder, but who's really losing? They also have much hotter women, better food, more luxuries, and the technical OJT looks a lot better on resumes. Only reason I would choose the marines over air force would be if I'm disgustingly rich and want to put myself through hell for no reason.


Well put, but how does the AF get more pay? Unless there is different hazard pay that I'm not aware of, you are all on the same pay scale, regardless of branch. Or are there different allowances they give for food/housing? :confused:

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