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Dr.z06 ISSUE 2 !!!!!!!!!


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IT LOOKS LIKE YOU GET A RAISE!!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@


6.95 here you come ;)



sorry yours was the only name i could think of to pick on that would not sho-t me or otherwise mame me....



; (


omg hi 2u higher rate of inflation.

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Now my employees will want more money..... So I will have to raise my price for everyone else. Voter raise wages, business owners raise prices! Who wins in the end? No One.


My best advice if you want a raise, is to go to school, or own your own business.


My .02

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ever think about the fact that raising minimum wage might motivate people to fucking DO something about the illegal immigration problem? while for the time being we'll be paying them more, maybe it'll get the fucking politicians to get off their asses and do something about it
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I manage the Arby's in Obetz, I refuse to hire anyone under 6.25 an hour. A 55 cent jump in wages isn't going to hurt THAT bad. If anyone makes 5.15 I feel for them and I can't believe ANY employer would take advantage of someone like that.


Edit: And its 6.85 an hour ;) not 6.95

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I manage the Arby's in Obetz, I refuse to hire anyone under 6.25 an hour. A 55 cent jump in wages isn't going to hurt THAT bad. If anyone makes 5.15 I feel for them and I can't believe ANY employer would take advantage of someone like that.


Edit: And its 6.85 an hour ;) not 6.95


Nick speaking....


Now rather than being able to keep 9 full time drivers on staff, i have to fire 3 and pick up 4 part timers. Ignorance just cost 3 people thier jobs... I sure hope Tyrone the crack head, Jim Bob grease monkey, Irene the unwed mother of 9, and Lashusha the corner worker are happy with thier 6.85/hr jobs because 3 responsible fathers just lost thier 15/hr jobs. T


Thats the problem with people... everyone only thinks of themselves.. noone cares about the collective or who they are dragging down just so they can come off of food stamps and welfare and live a life of squalor all on thier own. I cant say i agree with people trying to support families with hourly wage jobs is something i agree with, but why ruin 3 families lives so that 4 can bring in less in a year than a responsible person is paying in rent? I guess raising the weekly salary $68 is enough to throw good people to the wolves.


Watch what happens to the cost of food... especially cheese, chicken, and pork. And watch what happens to your future TV when Walmart has to pay little Susan 6.85 to run that cash registar instead of 6.25. Your labor percentage x average labor crew $ hr, is a direct reflection of your overall labor yield (business owners will understand this), and unless you raise your yield to support the percentage lbr$hr by increasing price of product, you have to cut out the lbr$hr... the only way to do that is to fire people.


Im so glad greedy people are smart :rolleyes:


BTW, the best way to get a riase is to WORK HARD AND GET PROMOTED. School is good, but working your way from hourly to salary is faster and easier lol.




My little sister - 5yrs at Athens + school debt = teaching degree & 25-28k/yr


Me - 4yrs in a restaurant + lots of hard work = My own store & 36k/yr +bonuses, benifits, stock options, further advancement opertunity + 1yr jump on my next promotion landing me 60-70k, company car, more stock, and bonuses than you can shake a stick at.


Call me old fashioned, but theres no replacement for hard work and ambition, and no school can teach you that.

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I manage the Arby's in Obetz, I refuse to hire anyone under 6.25 an hour. A 55 cent jump in wages isn't going to hurt THAT bad. If anyone makes 5.15 I feel for them and I can't believe ANY employer would take advantage of someone like that.


Edit: And its 6.85 an hour ;) not 6.95


Yeah I relized that, I had a few shots of Rum and was kinda heated. As for the arbys statement, All the people that are working fast food and shit get a raise AND to top it off every year there guarteed a CMI based increase but, All of us working REAL JOBS do not see such raises. But we do see the blow back that is a increase in prices.


and does a ~15% raise seem fair? I know today I'm not going to get a raise.

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Yeah this sucks a lot. All it is going to cause is all are costs to go up. Gas, food, everything. It is going to make it even harder for small businesses to keep up with larger ones since they now have to raise their prices to cover there extra expenses. And then you have people like me that make salary. I know my job isn't going to give me a 15% raise, but my expenses are going to go up 15%. So this is going to hurt everyone in the long run. Now I know this doesn't go into effect till Feb 1, 2007, but you know businesses are going to start raising prices slowly so that the effect isn't going to be as big of a shock.


And for the employee information part of the bill, it says that an approved agent of the employee can request the information. That means you would have to sign something letting that person request that information. That is how the law is stated, but not every HR person knows that right now. I know some HR departments will be trained on the changes before Feb 1, but not all will be. Many companies already require this before they will release any information already. My wife works for an attoney, doing collections, and she deals with finding peoples jobs and requesting information daily. So it will make her job a little harder for the companies that currently don't require anything to release your information. I guess the big this is the companies that don't understand the law and are giving the information out to anyone that asks.

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You guys are talking about hard work etc. Im salary I got a 15% raise last year at a fast food place. I still don't see the problem. *Most* "Big Companies" already have raised their prices in accordance with this bill passing. Arby's already made a .10 cent price increase almost across the board. I mean Arby's is expensive, dont get me wrong, but 10 cents more for chicken? 10 cents more for gas? OOOHHH NNOOOEESSS!>!112=
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Yeah I relized that, I had a few shots of Rum and was kinda heated. As for the arbys statement, All the people that are working fast food and shit get a raise AND to top it off every year there guarteed a CMI based increase but, All of us working REAL JOBS do not see such raises. But we do see the blow back that is a increase in prices.


and does a ~15% raise seem fair? I know today I'm not going to get a raise.



yes 2 yes 3



Confusing no?

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Its been funny to hear people at work like it till i explain the CMI based yearly increase.



If you are going to explain it, please explain it right, it is based off of the CPI, Consumer Price Index...

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I knew people were going to be stupid and vote for it, people at my work were like no it wont increase inflation, it will only affect a few, .....morons

money keeps going down in value


now it will cost me $4 to get a double cheese burger at Mcdonalds, good thing i hate eating there.

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Minimum wage went up because inflation rose.



This should not affect prices.



Why do you think we have inflation? One of the reasons we have inflation is people make make money therefore cost of goods rise. Labor cost in most industries are the number one cost to the employer. Pay more to the labor... your price of the hamburger goes up.


Covered in Economics 101

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