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"If the wife says it's ok"


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Very well put Mike.


I have gone out a handfull of times this year. Some meets and some just hanging out with friends and what not and my wife understands that I like to get out as well. Hell she goes out with her friends too. With us we always ask/check with each other first if its ok to make sure the other didn't have plans. Also since we work completely differnet hrs the only time we really get to sit down, hang out, or do whatever is @ or after 10 pm and thats only if my boys are not up fussing or what have you. Before we had kids I was able to do more and had a bit more freedom.


I can't speak for the other people on the board but for me if I didn't run me going out past my wife to make sure she or we had plans would not be a good thing.


Excellent post. The secret to a long, successful relationship is the fact that the two people care about each other enough to communicate what is going on, and believe their partner's happiness is just as as important as their own. It works both ways, involves communication, and sometimes compromise.


I know it sounds like happy horseshit, but with almost 30 years in a rock solid relationship, I think I have a clue. I care first about what is best for US before what is best for ME. Ultimately, they become the same thing.


Of course, it helps my wife is a car gal...

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Because guys give up their right for sex.


End of story.



Pussy owns us.




Shouldn’t you be owning the pussy? I must say I have never had this problem-I tell chics I date up front what the fuck I do, like, and like to do-and make sure they understand I will be doing those same things-(sans pussy hunting)-if we are together or not.


A good relationship should not hinder, it should augment your life.

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I've never once needed a pass from the wife. Never will, either. She doesn't give a shit what I do, as long as I come home and do her... :D


As glorious as that sounds, I would be entertained to have her response to that same statement. I would say she gives a shit.

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I would have to agree wth a lot of people on here. Relationships take a lot of work.. many times you find yourself being the one always trying to communicate, always being the one not allowed to do anything and always trying to please the other person. I think that it takes communication on both parts, being able to respect each others space and time and sharing same interests or not so common interests.


What drives me crazy is the people who cant go one night without being aroun the other person... its like I wanna say " Are you that boring that you can't find one thing to do on your own.. that you have to worry that I dont care anymore." wtf! lol


Finding someone who likes what you like, who is kind, respectful and open of what they want and all that happy stuff is great. People who dont talk and dont care about anyone but themselves are the ones who will probably never have a good or long relationship. Moral of the post.. You shouldnt have to "ask" what you are or are not allowed to do you should be able to make each other happy and respect when the other likes doing different things. :-) You make the other person happy they make you happy.. end of story.

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so since i made this statement recently I would like to clarify . sometimes there are dinners and other things i Don't remeber I suffer from CRS. Can't Remeber Shit. So instead of telling my wife I made plans i check with her that i did not double book myself.......
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Great post Amy. Very well put.


so since i made this statement recently I would like to clarify . sometimes there are dinners and other things i Don't remeber I suffer from CRS. Can't Remeber Shit. So instead of telling my wife I made plans i check with her that i did not double book myself.......


I was referring to your post when I started this thread. But, please understand I was not trying to E attack you in anyway. Just the topic its self is a source of frustration for me. I have a friend in Delaware that loves cars and hanging with the guy's, yet I only see him 6-8 times a year. He's never allowed to come out on a night when we are out racing. And the begging and planning involved is sometimes a pain in the ass for us, his friends. He has more car knowledge than half of CR and restricted on doing the things he likes by guilt.

It's these guy's(and maybe girls) that I have a hard time understanding how the relationship works.

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ohhh no attack even thought of, Honestly was just putting my thoughts out because i find htis more with my other freinds who are welll to say the least whipped. I see my BEST FRIEND SINCE HIGHSCHOOL about 2 times a month if im lucky


but my other close friends we do everything with becasue there a couple and easier to get them over.......


growing up sucks.

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desperado, your memory just scares me.





I had a comment for this...but I don't remember what it was.


Seriously, my mind goes 200 MPH all the time, at times it sucks. You know when it's bad becuse I am on here posting at 2 in the morning. It has tendency to keep me awake at night figuring things out of working on a design or a solution to a problem. And it's like the posts I am kniown for here. It's never a quick though, it's between 2 and 4 volumes of a fucking encycloepdia. (on a side note, I always hear Jimminy Cricket singing whenI spell that word, and it's little shit like that I deal with daily) I am actually figuring that if you can wear out a brain, I willl probably do it.


And what is wierd is I can remember stupid shit. Something that comes to mind is the night that the durnk guy was out in front of Gerro's on the Harley, or the Purple Izusu with the twenties that was air bagged that always parked with a different stance, but I can't remember what all I did today. It fucking sucks.

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Bullshit, pure bullshit.


There is way too much stuff in this thread to quote and reply to but its all relevant i suppose. First off, if your husband/wife/signifigant other is too damned insecure to let you go out without you holding his/her hand then thats just something they have to deal with.


Yes relationships are a small part compromise but it should never rule your life and you should never have to permission for anything. I was in a relationship for over a year like this, i wasn't neccessarily whipped but damn i was close. I just reasoned that that's the way relationships are suppose to be. bullshit. I'll never go back to that again. I'll never be afraid to say im going out drinking with my friends and what kind of reprecussion's might come with it. However, if i was ever in a marriage and there were children involved, that puts way too many variables into the equation for there to be one singular answer. For now, life and simple being single.

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