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UF or UM? its gonna be REAL close...


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Coaches, Sagarin, Colley are updated. UF picked up a lot of votes in the Coaches poll and if that trend continues in the Harris they will be #2. If UF and Mich evenly split the #2 and #3 votes in the Harris poll, UF will lead UM by .0055. UM needs 24 more #2 votes or a 48 point lead in Harris on UF to over come the Coaches polls margin assuming both UM's and UF's computer component is .94. Should I have made a mistake in my computer estmates and say UF's computer component is .93 not .94, then UM will only need a 10 vote margin or a 20 point lead. Last week UM led UF by 86 points in Harris.




Comp Coach's Harris BSC

Team W L Ave Rank Pts BCS Rank Pts BCS Points

1 Ohio State 12 0 1.00 1 1550 0.984 1 2850 1.000 0.9947

2 Florida 11 1 0.94 2 1470 0.933 2 2679 0.940 0.9378

3 Michigan 11 1 0.94 3 1444 0.917 2 2679 0.940 0.9323


edit: sorry i cant seem to get these columns to line up, but ive placed in bold text the important part.

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UF's defense is good. Way underrecognized, and they also have had the hardest schedule in the nation. The SEC this year was incredibly tough, whereas the Big 10 was a total disappointment. I'd like to see UF's defense challenge Troy Smith, not to mention that Chris Leak is a GREAT quarterback, far superior to Chad Henne. This year, Leak has 2700+ yards, 22/13 TD/INT, and a rating of 146.76. Henne, by comparison, is a yard short of 2200 yards with 20 TD and 7 INT, and a rating of 144.15 and given strength of schedule and the quality of their recievers, I'd say that Leak outclasses Henne by a lot.
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How second class does the Rose Bowl feel right now? Granddaddy of them all? Uh, how about Consolation Prize for the Losers.


USC versus UM is a great game, insofar one of them has to lose.


yeah, in that game, youre rooting for a meteor.

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yeah, in that game, youre rooting for a meteor.



But let's look at these final BCS rankings of the ranked teams UF played. #9 Auburn, #17 Tennessee, #4 LSU, #12 Arkansas, losing only to one of them.


But Michigan only played a now #11 Notre Dame, and lost to #1 OSU.


Looking at the numbers, UF is the right team to be #2. That said, I think Michigan would be a tougher team to play than UF.

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But Michigan only played a now #11 Notre Dame, and lost to #1 OSU.



You forgot beating #7 Wisconsin who doesn't get to go to a bowl game and only lost 1 game to the now #3 team in the country.


What teams did USC get beat by? Oh yeah 2 unranked teams(Ore St and UCLA). Yet they get homefield advantage in the rose bowl? BCS sucks, time for playoffs.

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