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Automotive Technology Majors


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I'm currently enrolled at OSU in the college of human ecology. I hate it. On the other hand, I absolutely love working on cars. I don't know nearly enough about them, but everything I have learned I have basically taught myself. I feel that I have a knack for this field, and with the proper education, the sky would be the limit for me. This is not something I just decided this morning, but something I have thought about my entire life, all the way back to my toddler obsession with erector sets. I love building shit and I don't mind getting my hands dirty.


After High school graduation I had proposed the idea of going to Wyotech to my parents, and they shot it down right away. What it basically comes down to, is that my parents have always expected the best out of their children, and a blue collar job just wasn't going to be good enough for me. They think that It will be impossible to amount to anything without a college diploma. The only negotiation they would make was that I could go to Wyotech after I graduate college. But why keep putting off my dream career? I've worked at Midwestern Auto Group for three years and know enough people on the inside to get a technician job, but the two things they look for when evaluating techs is experience and education, neither of which I have. BTW, I pay my own tuition. I realize I have the ability to do whatever I want, even if it's against my parents wishes, but they've done way too much for me in my lifetime for me to dissapoint and go against them now.


I had heard a friend mention that OSU had an Automotive Technology major, And was really excited about that because I would be able to please my parents, and choose the career path that I want. I've searched and searched, but for the life of me I cannot find any information about this on OSU's website. If OSU doesn't offer this are there any other local schools that do(Columbus State;Tolls;etc)? Give me some advice guys, this is a very pivotal decision for me, as it may decide what I will be doing for the rest of my life. TIA -JP

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I'm not sure what's offered major-wise but have you checked out this?


Also Columbus State offers couple majors and degrees for automotive.


I say run with your dream. I think for the most part the automotive engineering industry is expanding more and more and is in high demand.

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I'd go to Columbus State, IMO. That would be your best education for the buck. All the other automotive technology schools are a waste of money since education is not a huge part of this field, it's mostly experience. I went to school and I thought I knew a ton, until I started working at a dealership. I have since learned so much more than just going to school.


Just be aware that it is verrry expensive. Don't ever cheap out on your tools, b/c you get what you pay for. I have about $7,000 in tools right now and my box small box is only half full. I pay around $55 a week in tool bills. I also didn't graduate from college and I'm doing rather well for myself. I'm already making more money than half of my siblings who are 30+ years old. ASE certs do help you get a job, but it's mostly experience when someone is going to hire you.

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My father in law is the Chair of the automotive program at CSCC, great guy, he is nationally recognized for his program here at Columbus State.(I work here also, I met his daughter here before I knew him) His name is Andy Rezin. 614-287-5303 (work) Call him and set up an appointment to talk to him, he has a PHD in automotive service from OSU. He can help you decide, maybe even steer you towards an OSU program if that is where you want to go. Good Luck
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Auto Tech is a really good program at CSCC. I was enrolled for about a year before transfering to OSU. SpaceGhost is right, talk to Andy. My dad and he were friends and he helped me out in deciding what to do. As far as OSU, I'm almost positive they have nothing automotive other than the CAR program. You can go through engineering and take some specialized classes at CAR, but they don't offer a degree program.
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as a mechanic, YOU DON"T WANT TO WORK ON CARS FOR A LIVING. You will never make the money they promised you in college, and no matter how much you like to work on your own car, doing it to other peoples cars all the time REALLY SUCKS. Plus tools are fucking retardly expensive. Craftsman tools are good for the weekend warrior but the pro needs professional quality tools, and snap-on, mac, and matco all know this and charge a fucking premium because of it. working on cars is about the shittiest job i can think of, I really don't can't think of any other job that FUCKS you as much as being a mechanic. This is my honest opinion, and I REALLY advise against becoming a professional mechainc. Plus, the majority of people will look at you like you are a scam artist when you tell them what you do for a living....
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as a mechanic, YOU DON"T WANT TO WORK ON CARS FOR A LIVING. You will never make the money they promised you in college, and no matter how much you like to work on your own car, doing it to other peoples cars all the time REALLY SUCKS. Plus tools are fucking retardly expensive. Craftsman tools are good for the weekend warrior but the pro needs professional quality tools, and snap-on, mac, and matco all know this and charge a fucking premium because of it. working on cars is about the shittiest job i can think of, I really don't can't think of any other job that FUCKS you as much as being a mechanic. This is my honest opinion, and I REALLY advise against becoming a professional mechainc. Plus, the majority of people will look at you like you are a scam artist when you tell them what you do for a living....


This is rather true as well. Another thing, you say you love working on cars. You won't anymore. When I get off work I nevvvvvvver want to touch any of my cars. I had a set of coilovers for the 240 sitting around for two months b/c I just didn't feel like throwing them on, which took about an hour and a half. It's so unmotivating.

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This is rather true as well. Another thing, you say you love working on cars. You won't anymore. When I get off work I nevvvvvvver want to touch any of my cars. I had a set of coilovers for the 240 sitting around for two months b/c I just didn't feel like throwing them on, which took about an hour and a half. It's so unmotivating.

It's the old adage of the carpenter with the door falling off, the mechanic whose car never runs, electrician whose house it rigged together, ETC ETC.

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Guest crazylady
as a mechanic, YOU DON"T WANT TO WORK ON CARS FOR A LIVING. You will never make the money they promised you in college, and no matter how much you like to work on your own car, doing it to other peoples cars all the time REALLY SUCKS. Plus tools are fucking retardly expensive. Craftsman tools are good for the weekend warrior but the pro needs professional quality tools, and snap-on, mac, and matco all know this and charge a fucking premium because of it. working on cars is about the shittiest job i can think of, I really don't can't think of any other job that FUCKS you as much as being a mechanic. This is my honest opinion, and I REALLY advise against becoming a professional mechainc. Plus, the majority of people will look at you like you are a scam artist when you tell them what you do for a living....



Rob, makes pretty good living at it, and a few of his close buddies are as well.

Funny you bring up the tools, I bitch all the time about the money he spends on tools.like his $2000 mig & tig thingy. But he always seems too make his money back with most of them. Maybe its because he really enjoys what he does and is rather very good at it.

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sweetie, I was also really good at it, I just fucking hated working on cars that werent worth the fucking repair being put in to it. It's just retarded. I'm glad that rob likes what he does and is making money at it. I on the other hand never made enough money to justify the headache, and the expense of the tools. Though I was exceptionally good at it, I'm also a realist, when the shop is charging 85+ an hour and I'm seeing like 25 or less, thats pretty fucked up, on top of the "slow time" when theres nothing coming in, and it's not my fucking fault. Fuck it, Dude, YOU SERIOUSLY DO NOT WANT TO WORK ON FUCKING CARS AS A LIVING. PM me for details if you're really intresed in throwing away life like so many other mechaincs. I'll tell ya how it REALLY IS and if you still want to do it, then so be it.
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I have a high performance automotive technology degree. I'm a valvetrain dynamics lab tech for a valve spring company. I do all the R&D work. It's a really good job and I started at 51k a year. But I also graduated with a 3.9 gpa and did a lot of networking in college.
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Guest Removed
sweetie, I was also really good at it, I just fucking hated working on cars that werent worth the fucking repair being put in to it. It's just retarded. I'm glad that rob likes what he does and is making money at it. I on the other hand never made enough money to justify the headache, and the expense of the tools. Though I was exceptionally good at it, I'm also a realist, when the shop is charging 85+ an hour and I'm seeing like 25 or less, thats pretty fucked up, on top of the "slow time" when theres nothing coming in, and it's not my fucking fault. Fuck it, Dude, YOU SERIOUSLY DO NOT WANT TO WORK ON FUCKING CARS AS A LIVING. PM me for details if you're really intresed in throwing away life like so many other mechaincs. I'll tell ya how it REALLY IS and if you still want to do it, then so be it.

Then you dont have a very good job if you are seing less then 25 a hour :p

that or you wasnt good at it. I made over 50k last year alone, and yes it has been slow for a few years now. But in a busy shop, you wont starve.


p.s. I dont even have a major degree in anything. And still make more then some master techs at dealers :)



you should start by saying IMO, you dont want too work on cars.

If you want the up side of the automotive life , pm me and i'll tell you how it really is.

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Guest crazylady
sweetie, I was also really good at it, I just fucking hated working on cars that werent worth the fucking repair being put in to it. It's just retarded. I'm glad that rob likes what he does and is making money at it. I on the other hand never made enough money to justify the headache, and the expense of the tools. Though I was exceptionally good at it, I'm also a realist, when the shop is charging 85+ an hour and I'm seeing like 25 or less, thats pretty fucked up, on top of the "slow time" when theres nothing coming in, and it's not my fucking fault. Fuck it, Dude, YOU SERIOUSLY DO NOT WANT TO WORK ON FUCKING CARS AS A LIVING. PM me for details if you're really intresed in throwing away life like so many other mechaincs. I'll tell ya how it REALLY IS and if you still want to do it, then so be it.



dont call me sweetie. And if you hate it so much, then get out of it. From what i understand, if you dont love working on cars , then you really shouldnt be doing it. You though you was exceptionally good at it. If you hate it so much , how could you be good at it. Normally if you hate your job, you dont put your A game into it. I know for a fact rob puts in 110% into everything he does, if not more.


opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and all of them stink.

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I love working on cars for a living.


Some people are different. I will work all day on customer cars every day and still have every ambition to work on my own stuff. Hell half the time I get more motivated to change/work on something on my cars after doing a cool project for a customer. The further I get into the industry the more I love it. Granted that could be because of the part of the industry I'm involved in.



And I have a BA in Psych from OSU.

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Thanks for all the replies. I think I'm going to end up going to UTI or Wyotech and taking the automotive technology core course and the chassis fabrication and high performance engines elective. After that I'm pretty sure the dealership will sponsor me to take the BMW steps program so that I can get into the shop. I talked to every tech in the shop and the general consensus is that they are happy with their jobs. The lowest paid MINI tech made 40 grand last year and the highest paid Bimmer tech made just under 100, with the average in the 70 range. That sounds pretty sufficient to me.

I realize that working on shit all the time might make me want to work on my own stuff less, but the problem I'm running into alot lately is that I don't know enough to do alot of the stuff I want. And of course, I don't always have the right tools for the job. I've been thinking about this for a very long time and I've asked around alot. I really think that this is going to be a good choice for me.

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what i've seen agrees with Grease Monkey


i have many friends trying to do this for a living


by the time they hit about age 35 (if it even takes this long), they realize it was a poor career choice and hate it so bad they don't want to wake up


a few are the lucky ones...that start up a machine shop or something

but the vast majority will view it as a mistake, i think

it might be fun for 5 years....but can you imagine working day in, day out on cars when you're 50?

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hey, go to U of Northwestern Ohio. I transferred there from OSU this fall. I was a Mech. Engineering major at osu and wasn't enjoying it. I'm absolutely loving UNOH, and it's ranked above Wyotech and the like. I'm in the High Performance Technology assoc. degree program.


plus UNOH has a business school on campus as well. so you can do the assoc. degree for the the tech school, and actually have a degree, and also do the business thing, assoc. or bach.

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tell that to the companies that will hire a unoh grad over uti or wyotech...


Their high performance program is second to none, and is the first of it's kind in the world. They started it, and the other schools like uti and wyotech are just copiers.

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