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I almost lost my license last night


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Well kind of a long story but a fellow member of the board and i decide to line 'em up last night. I chose a spot that was really not a smart idea but we were on a side road outside of marysville. Anyways we went from a dig and around 85 I notice my truck starting to slow down. Once i got to 90 i just let out of it, being dark and on a small side road I didnt think it was smart to go any faster. As soon as i let out of it my truck dies, once it coasted to about 15mph i lost all power and coasted onto a side road. At the same time i see all so familiar red and blue lights. A union county sherrif turned on the road behind us and saw the whole thing. He was pissed and ran my license. The fellow member was long gone as he didnt slow down when I did. The officer tried to get me to call him back and I explained that I didnt have his number. When the officer came back he kind of lectured me that I had 8 points on my license already. two points for speeding tickets two years ago, a speed warning, and a reckless opp. (that is a whole other story but dont feel i was doing anything reckless). In the end the officer told me it would not be fair to write me a ticket for drag racing and not write the other person one also. He let me off with a speed warning and told me to slow down, and I was left to tow my truck. Dont get me wrong I was fully prepared to take the ticket knowing that I was doing something illegal and I dont have anything to bitch about, I just thought it was nice that I got off lucky. Being that I had 8 points already im pretty sure i would have lost my license.
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I have been really carefull in the last year since an off duty union county sherrif said he saw me doing wheelies on the freeway and I got the reckless op for it. I havent wanted to draw attention to myself or anything, just trying to be more responsible. But you know everyone has a little fun every now and again and well I got caught.
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whats wrong with racing a truck? there are plenty of fast trucks out there. Mine is definatly not one of them but there are. I just wanted to see what it would do, and i normally dont turn up the boost very much and this was an excuse too. Again my truck is not fast but is quick for its size, and it surprises a lot of people when they see it go and feel the power of it.
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whats wrong with racing a truck? there are plenty of fast trucks out there. Mine is definatly not one of them but there are. I just wanted to see what it would do, and i normally dont turn up the boost very much and this was an excuse too. Again my truck is not fast but is quick for its size, and it surprises a lot of people when they see it go and feel the power of it.


I can vouch that the truck is quick! , Chris you need to get the camaro running so you can really get your fix :-p


I saw a quad cab long bed duramax chevy with farm bumpers and grille guards waste a mustang (modded 5.0) here in town to :)

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Guest z06Klla
its all good chris!! both of us got really lucky. i got lost trying to find my way back to delaware, when i was in the middle of nowhere. sorry to hear about your truck. like i said if you need any help, you have my number. i will bring a case of beer!
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