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Is there anyway possible to go 7's for $50k?


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A friend and I are having a friendly disagreement. He says there's no way in hell you can get a car into the 7's in the quarter with only $50k invested, including the price of the car.


I disagree, stating that surely its possibly, I mean $50k is a LOT of money.

I used the idea of John Shep and dsm's, an AWD turbo dsm can be bought for $1k or less, so with the remaining $49k don't you think it's possible?


What do you guys think and what car could do it?

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This guy said the car cost around 100,000 pounds, however that translates in dollars.

about $180,000


Rockets, plain and simple. Get a liscense to buy big model rockets, and you can buy. The biggest I've heard of was 1500lb thrust, and it was used by the Mythbusters. A pair strapped on an impalla fired in sequence shot the car across the flats and smoked the chase helicopter. For a 7 sec ET, you'll want a 6 sec burn, or real good brakes...and retros.

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doesn't have to be street legal, doesn't have to be reliable, shit ONE single 7 second pass would make this fair. My friend argues that you get more bang for your buck if you dump $40k into a $10k hayabusa, which is cool having a 550hp busa, but still just as pointless as a 7 second street car.


this wasn't meant to be taken serious, i just think its possible and he doesnt, oh well.

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In a word. Dragster.

or alterd, or bantham, roadster etc...1900 pounds tops, find a used 1000 hp motor and trans...you should be close. I know Watkins racing SBC dragster runs high 7's, and im sure you could built it over for 50k.

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I knew it.... I fucking knew it. Thank you Eli, you prick.

I said to Jeff in that IPS/Powers bullshit thread that somebody's cocksucker would flap open and would bring that up before the end of the year because motherfuckers around here absofuckinglutly can NOT let anything go. Eli you just proved it.


Cure cancer, childhood acne, and bring world peace, if you suck one cock while doing it, you will be branded a cocksucker for life, the hell with the rest of it.


As far as a 7 sec pass for $50000, like they ask above, is this building a 7 sec car, or building something that will make a 7 sec pass? If it's got to be repeatable, use a bike and you will be cutting it close and the first time the fucker breaks you will be out of money.

There are enough cars and parts on Racingjunk.com that if you really knew what you were going, and bought a cheap roller that would take the power to the ground, then buy a big fucking spray then get a motor with enough bottom end, it's possible but it's a time bomb for sure. Maybe good for 2 passes and would not be able to pass the tech inspection once you made the passes (cage requirements)

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