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left nut hurts

Chad is Dead

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For the past couple weeks my left nut has been hurting. It only happens a couple times a day but still very annoying and was wondering if anything could be wrong. It's not a sharp pain. It almost feels like its trying to go up into my body and doesn't move easily when i try to move it. Sorry if this thread is kind of weird/gross but I would like to know if I should go to the doctor or not.
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Dude, if your nut hurts, see a doctor. Could be anything from full blown testicular cancer (in which case we'll expect you to get chemo then win the Tour de France seven years straight), to something totally lame like a hydrocele (where a pocket of water develops and pushes against a nerve). Yeah, might be embarassing to see a doc, but that's what they're there for.
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go see a doctor for sure. my brother was diagnosed with testicular cancer at age 32. past away this past July. Christmas won't be the same without him. I really wish he could have caught it earlier. :(

Merry Christmas man, my condolences go out to you.

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thanks for everyones advice....im gonna go see a doctor soon.....and to all the p0eop0le whole people who think -I need to get laid more....lol......i have a girlfriend and get as much as -I need....But this is something i'm worrying about.....and i'm sorry for all the wrong grammar but my friends keyboard is fucked up0 and add's weird things. Thanks again for everyone who hel0ped me out.
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