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For those wanting the snow


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I only really want 1, perhaps 2 snows a year.

Other than that..I would like to see it 60+ the rest of the year.

You sir, want some shitty weather. Weather like that would turn our winter months into an equally useless "rainy season".


We're going to get percipitation int he winter, period. I don't understand how 50 and raining is better then freezing and snowing.

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Glacier National Park is loosing it's Namesake. It literaly may be devoid of glaciers withing the decade.









The rest:




Short movie

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You sir, want some shitty weather. Weather like that would turn our winter months into an equally useless "rainy season".


We're going to get percipitation int he winter, period. I don't understand how 50 and raining is better then freezing and snowing.


1. I don't have to shovel rain.

2. Keeps the salt off the roads.


I lived 22 years in upstate NY. The winters here are a joke. This is the best winter I've seen here in the 7 years I've lived in Columbus. I'm loving this. Almost 60 again this weekend, 10 day outlook has no threat of snow and 40+ degree days. You want snow, move somewhere else. There are more than a few of us who are enjoying this "winter"... :nod:

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The name of the thread is "For those wanting snow". If you don't have an interest in seeing snow to go skiing or snowboarding, you are raining on my parade. I grew up in Vermont and have the whole bad winter thing covered. If you really don't like snow, you really need to move further south. For you snow haters, ease off my thread so those of us who go outside can enjoy ourselves for a minute.


Has anyone even watched the 2 hours of movies I link?

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I lived in WY for 25 years, been to all of the major resorts in colo, utah and wy. I have also skied a few in Ohio and 7 springs in PA. Cant imagine why any would bother skiing east of the mississippi it's a joke! Maybe im getting to old but I got my fill of the snow and cold. Ive done anything from ice fishing to cross country ski camping you name it we did it all winter long. Maybe it's the been there done that for me?
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Try Colorado... :D

I have not only tried it, I have pwnd it, and will again. ;) I'm heading out to Mt Washington witha group from OSU. It's an intro to mountaineering trip, my first opportunity to guide a bit. My sis is coming also. Mt Wash is supposed to have "The worst weather in the world". After a 12 hour drive, it fuckin better! :D

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the glaciers have been receding since the end of the last ice age and they will continue to do so until the next ice age starts and then it starts all over again, about ever 100,000 years.
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