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Watched a guy die last night...


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-My night was a normal new year's celebration until my drive home just before 4am. [sober]


Driving on 270, a half mile from my exit, I noticed a pick up truck approaching cars behind me like a terrible person. He nearly rear ended and side swiped more than one. I slowed and he passed me with out incident as I reached the 33/dublin exit but I wasn't about to let the dude go kill someone. I phoned 911 to report it. As I was saying "he is going to kill someone" the driver swerved off the road, clipped a road sign and slammed full speed [no brake lights] into one of the 100 foot tall 270 light poles.


I stayed on the phone.


They have a recording of me yelling "Holy shit the dude just hit a pole".


I pulled over. [still on the phone]


I ran to the truck. It hit the pole spun 180' and richoched back the direction it came about 5 feet. Meaning the vehicle hit the pole with all it's velocity. I noticed no brake lights and was doing about 80 when I was persuing him. The engine compartment was completely destroyed exposing the entire engine which was actually facing the wrong way and completely detached from the car. The truck hit with such velocity that my [brand new] car was hit with debris probably 100 feet away when he impacted.


I expected to see carnage when I looked in the window.


To my surprose the driver was lucid and knew what his name was when I asked. He said his unconscious passenger sprawled between the passenger side the front and back seats was his uncle. His shirt was raised enough to expose his belly slightly which I saw rise slowly once.


I reached in and took a [weak] pulse from the passengers wrist and yelled at the Driver to "not fucking move", he grabbed his uncle. I said "don't fucking touch him you could paralyze him". He might have...


The first officer arrived on the scene (3 minutes max) and took over. He also got a very weak pulse.


The second officer arrived and told me (and the other person that stopped) to back the H up. I did.


It took about 30 minutes to extract the passenger Jaws of Life style. I found out after I filled out my statement that he was pretty much gone before they got him out.


I got home after 5am.


I will likely be called to court to testify against the driver. I will be happy to attend to maximize the punishment in case he sobered up enough to pass a blood test in the hospital.


This was on 270 southbound just past the Dublin/33 exit. You can see the heavily dented pole and debris still there if you drive by today or tomorrow.



Don't drink and drive.

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Honestly, I thought I would be more traumatized by such an event... I feel fine about it. I am also surprised that I maintained such composure throughout the event. I even told the cop how better to find the pulse when he couldn’t.


I think the scene wasn’t as grisly as one would picture such an accident. There was no blood or visible trauma to speak of. Had I seen a decapitation or impalement, I might feel differently today.

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I was at Cols. Gold 2 weeks ago. Traveling Westbound on Bethel the guy was doing approximatly 50 mph through the intersection hit a lightpole in front of CG, the a fire hydrant, across the grass lawn in front of platinum, then hit the sign to Giant Eagle's gas station where he came to a stop, no brake lights, full throttle the whole way.


My brother saw the whole thing, we were both sober and the first one's to the scene with our friend who was off duty CPD at the time showed up, he was in front of Platinum at when it happened, another platinum customer showed up he happend to be a doctor, took athey pulled him from the car fearing it was leaking gasoline and could ignite. Doc made him lie down and ll his vitals, the guy was fine. Wasted drunk but fine. few scratchs and cuts but not gory blood of anything. We got the guys cell and found 'dad' in his phone book, that's one call I hope I never get. Had the Sign post not stoped his explorer sport he would headed directly into the gas pumps.


Its strange when your in that position, you know what to do, call 911 inform them of everything you saw/know and keep a cool head about it. But when your there doing it, its just second nature. In 5 minutes that place was swarming with CPD and Ambulance's.

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Wow Ken, that's nuts. Glad to hear you handled it so well.


I'm sure you already know this, but from your account you did everything right and everything you could to help the passenger.


Thanks for following the guy and calling the cops. You never know who someone like that could end up hitting. I live in that area and would have just been driving through there half an hour before that.

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Funny side note:


The other couple that stopped right after me... Her name was peaches and she was on her way to meet a "client". The dude has a glass eye and was fairly obviously high. They were standing on the roadway as I was reaching in the car yelling at me to "get away from there that shis gon blow".


They were sweet people though and Peaches definitely cried her eyes out when they told her the passenger wasn't going to make it.

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Nice work keeping your cool through the entire thing. You never know how you are going to act until you get in that type of situation. I watched a truck bounce off of a concrete barrier and almost fall over to the road below by the Cemetary exit on 270. I remember John Rutan even called my cell because he thought I was involved in the crash.

Its funny how instead of going into a panic you treat it like you were trained. Call 911, make sure everyone involved is ok, and write down what you saw when the cops show up in exact detail. CR members seem to have a leg up on everyday people.

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DUDE......Saturday morning about 9am on my way home from Hilliard...I passed this pick up on the side of the road. They were just starting to tow it. There were still cops all around it. It was white/beige and was DESTROYED!!!! I was not able to see what it hit...looked like the sign being it was so close...Damn..That makes for a terrible night..been there last year.
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DUDE......Saturday morning about 9am on my way home from Hilliard...I passed this pick up on the side of the road. They were just starting to tow it. There were still cops all around it. It was white/beige and was DESTROYED!!!! I was not able to see what it hit...looked like the sign being it was so close...Damn..That makes for a terrible night..been there last year.

Ditto, I saw this on the way home from Chris's house as well yesterday morning and was wondering what happened. Sad that his passenger died..

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Stupid shit like that is the reason why I don't drive in the late night/early morning hours of New Years Eve/Day.




If that is his myspace page has last online today.. If I was in his shoes and I had did that i think the last thing I would be checking is checking myspace.

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I was just about to leave work and go home when that call went out I believe they shut down the whole freeway that night. That was an awsome job keeping your cool. It sucks that you had to see him die though. Ive seen way to many people die and to many dead bodies its already gettng old.. Drunk drivers are the worst.

Good job!

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I came in late to a similar situation 2 months. A drunk drive came across the median up at gemini place and hit an envoy. The drunk was in a Integra and had a passenger. He hit the Envoy in the driverside front bumper at an angle directly under the headlight. He hit the Envoy so hard it tore the whole front end off the integra, the motor of the GSR was literally laying across the sleep in the grass. He f'd up the suspension of the Envoy but it wasnt nearly as bad as the integra got it. The passenger died. The shitty thing was the passenger had just survived 2 tours of Iraq with some congressional medal of honor. It was crazy, we got there as the driver of the integra was crawling from the wreckage. He had a broken right femur and a horribly broken left leg. Nutty.
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