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Apple released the iPhone today during the keynote speech at MacWorld. $499 INCLUDES the two year contract. Yeah, for $499 you get the iPhone AND two years of service.






And an added bonus... the AppleTV. This is pretty fucking sweet. $299 for a kick ass multimedia PC.




So all I have to say is... Microsoft who? $399 for Vista???

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Two years of cell phone and data service, as in fuck your calling plan, this fucking rocks.


I am reading the site and i think it means it is 499 with a two year cingular contract. Meaning, buy the phone for 499 and get locked in a contract like every other cell company. I don't think it means 499 with free two years service. Maybe i am wrong, but that is how i read it.



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I am reading the site and i think it means it is 499 with a two year cingular contract. Meaning, buy the phone for 499 and get locked in a contract like every other cell company. I don't think it means 499 with free two years service. Maybe i am wrong, but that is how i read it.





This makes more sense. But If it's the other way, then I will switch.

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I am reading the site and i think it means it is 499 with a two year cingular contract. Meaning, buy the phone for 499 and get locked in a contract like every other cell company. I don't think it means 499 with free two years service. Maybe i am wrong, but that is how i read it.




This is how it is.

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I am reading the site and i think it means it is 499 with a two year cingular contract. Meaning, buy the phone for 499 and get locked in a contract like every other cell company. I don't think it means 499 with free two years service. Maybe i am wrong, but that is how i read it.




This is how it is.



Watch the keynote video. Steve Jobs specifically said, "let me clearify, this includes two years of service". So?????

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Question - I assume that service plan does not cover content downloaded, which I presume you still need to pay for? (I'm not talking about the free youtube crap)


Anyway, its a good corporate move for Apple. They lost the PC battle so staying ahead of MS and the myriad micro clones by moving into the convergence space first is a good move.


There is an iTunes rebellion brewing in the wings though.


Just be ready for it, Apple, to jump to the next stone over the river: Sony got a big fat taste of how fast content-based revenue can evaporate.


But I've no doubt they'll have something good to move onto next when that happens. Jobs is good at riding that wavefront.


Slick device. I'll be looking at one of these when my contract comes up in 2 years and there are alternative devices and service plans driving the price down to where it should be.

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iPhone looks cool but doesn't launch until June... If you have Verizon you cannot get the iPhone until the exclusivity agreement runs out (I work for Verizon so I cannot get it unless it is out of my pocket). I like the fact that it is wifi aware and will switch to the 802.11 network for toll avoidance. I am curious about the pricing... $499 for two years of total service is $500/24 or about $20/month.


I don't have a use for the iTv right now, but having kids that watch movies over and over and over and over, it would be nice to DL a movie to my mac and suck it up with the iTv.

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I dunno about it, I'm a huge hater of the Pocket PC revolution, so I was hoping they would go more in the direction of a regular cell phone instead of a do-everything cellamajig.


EDIT: Its a lot smaller than I expected. Its okay, but I still won't buy one.

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I didnt see if it had a flip out for keys but if it doesnt have a keyboard, I dont see that replacing the q, treo, blackberry... Still really sweet though if its unlimited for the $499 including the phone for 2 years
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licensed to cingular. would now be the time to tell you "i told you so"?


i cant see any way that they can just charge you 499 up front and consider that worth two years of service and a phone. more than likely, its like every other service contract, where you have to sign up fro two years on a monthly plan, and the phone costs 499 up front. not a price point thats too far away from most high end nutty phones when they first come out. if youll remember the razr was selling for nigh on 600 bucks for the first month it was out.

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That rite there is the shit

I can deffinately see A LOT of people buying this simply for the ability to have an ipod device and a cell phone all in 1. Apple will profit from this one for sure... If verizon gets this I just may switch myself.

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And an added bonus... the AppleTV. This is pretty fucking sweet. $299 for a kick ass multimedia PC.




So all I have to say is... Microsoft who? $399 for Vista???


OR I could buy an Xbox 360 and stream every photo, video, and song on my PC straight to my big screen. And play kick ass games! ;)

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Two years of cell phone and data service, as in fuck your calling plan, this fucking rocks.


After two years.......then what? Do you buy yearly contracts or monthly? Is this an Apple service or is a current carrier going to pick it up? Several ?s need answered for me before I kick out $600.....Yup, i'd have to get the 8g.

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After two years.......then what? Do you buy yearly contracts or monthly? Is this an Apple service or is a current carrier going to pick it up? Several ?s need answered for me before I kick out $600.....Yup, i'd have to get the 8g.


It comes out in June. I'm sure you'll hear all the details by then.

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if they can give me 1500 minutes and unlimited text messages for 45 bucks a month like t mobile does, then im down.



and i dont think it has a keyboard or anything. from what i saw on TV last night there is only one button and everythign else is touch screen.

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