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Bedrest - Need ideas to pass time


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To make a very long story short, my wife is on strict bedrest for at least the next 6, and maybe 12 weeks of her pregnancy. She is allowed one 15 minute shower a day, and restroom trips. That's it.


We are 5 days into it, and it is really starting to bug her. I am looking for ideas for her pass some time. A lot of time.


I bought her a laptop this weekend, so she can surf. She has read about 1 book every 2 days. She has completed 2 baby blankets. She's listened to hours of music and watched a lot of movies.


Any more ideas? I am going to show her pokerstars.net and some maternity forums. Anyone else been through this? This is probably the first thing in my life I can honestly say, "Guys, you have no idea what it is like if you have not been through it."



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I would suggest a game, Or Learning a foriegn Lang.


Some great computer games out right now. a Good RPG or something mindless and addicting.



RPG Wise I would suggest Oblivion

It will keep anyone who likes fantasy stuff busy for hours on end.


A forigen lang can be quite fun.

Spanish would be my first suggestion for obvious reasons but some of the Asian Langs are pretty cool.


I had this same problem when i could not move for 4 weeks after srugery Icould not imagine worse.

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she could learn to knit or crochet. (but it sounds like she already knows how to if she made two blankets already.) it's good that she's reading a lot..i used to read a paperback a day. also, get her some magazines (i.e. parents and other baby stuff..) and maybe some movies about being a new mom..if this is her first.


online shopping=fun! but definitely easy to get carried away, haha.


make sure her friends come visit her!!


plus, you could paint her nails for her, give her a foot rub, back rub, etc. THAT would make the time pass quickly!! :)

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Some misc replies....


She knows a few other languages already, but I liked this suggestion.

Yes, she can sew and crochet already.

Any "gaming" would be limited to a low-end laptop.

TONS of friends and family are visiting.

I have rubbed her back and feet daily.


Keep them coming!

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not real: get her into pregnancy porn

chronic masturbation


real: get her to do all the taxes. i'm completely serious, if she's any good at math, getting a head start couldn't hurt.

get her some DVDs

Sudoku...it'll make her brain hurt, but after a few you get into a rhythm and they are fun

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I guess it depends on what kind of girl she is. That's alot of time to kill. I worked until I was 8 months pregnant and then I could not fly anymore so I understand being bored out of your mind.


my suggestions:


get her some stuff to do a scrap book of the baby and then one of your new family. She can do different stuff and it takes some time to do it. It can be $$$ depending on what you get to do it with and where you get the stuff.


knitting is cool if you are in to that. I made my son a quilt.


I am making him a soft cloth photo album of his own for his first birthday.. coming up. He has a smaller one that only holds a few pics. We have a huge family and a ton of friends so I wanted a bigger one. Carter likes to bring it over and say "who is that". It's nice because he can learn faces and names.


video games like boardgames for the ps2 they have most of the good ones, monopoly, risk, ect. one player.




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My wife was on bed rest the last month of her pregnancy and like silversti said Pogo.com is great...they have all sorts of games...i got my wife addicted to chess. also have poker, blackjack, etc...my wife read alot..but i know that u can only read sooo much(or atleast i can) Congrats on the baby, boy or girl?
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as for games on a low end laptop..


You can pickup some awesome awesome older games that will play fine.


or get a Gamepad and some emulators i'm sure someone on here could point you in a direction to get emulators.

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My wife was a member of a forum for mothers delivering in the month my son was born. Loads of women that were in the same stage of pregnancy from all over Ohio. After he was born we all met at the zoo it was fun.


Have her apply for pinecone research she can do surveys online (pays like $5 each).


See if anyone needs data entry or research done.


I have all of the rosetta stones....if she did want to do the language thing.


online courses for a college?

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