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dvd back up software...


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The above plus Netflix is a great combo. Especially if you have kids :)


Hahaha! Same here man. I wonder if Netflix will catch on that everytime they send me 3 DVDs, it's back in the mail THE SAME DAY I RECEIVE THEM. I have a stack of 15 movies I haven't seen because I'm in school and don't have the time right now.

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The guys at Blockbuster always looked at me wierd too.....six kid movies in one day and back the next.


It's nice because I keep a copy in my bag when I travel, I can put some in the cars for the DVD's there, at home, etc.....


I've lost several, but thankfully none of the stores or netflix ones. Can't wait until the software supports Blue Ray. I have an email into them now, but costs are the main reason. I'm using our new Blue Ray recorder and have tons of media for it.....


Hahaha! Same here man. I wonder if Netflix will catch on that everytime they send me 3 DVDs, it's back in the mail THE SAME DAY I RECEIVE THEM. I have a stack of 15 movies I haven't seen because I'm in school and don't have the time right now.
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I am also in the Netflix group. I have so many CD cases full of DVD's it isn't funny. I have them spaced out on sending so just about every day I get a new movie. Then it goes right back in the mail the next day. Come home and I have another one.
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I am also in the Netflix group. I have so many CD cases full of DVD's it isn't funny. I have them spaced out on sending so just about every day I get a new movie. Then it goes right back in the mail the next day. Come home and I have another one.



i am a Blockbuster online man myself, but i have about the same thing going on, i use blockbuster because i get free rentals just for returning the online movies to the store, 1 free rental for each one i return as well as i get 2 free game rentals per month all for $17

"can't beat it with a stick!"

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can one of u guys pm a link or site i can download the softwarefree not just a 2 week or 3 burn trial bs ?


Which program? I know DVD Shrink, DVD Fab, and DVD Decrypter don't have main sites anymore that you can download from. I just do a search for the program and normally find a copy to download within 2 sites. If you are looking for software that will just burn DVD movies, check out DVD Decrypter. Since I started using that for my backups, I hardly ever open Nero. I find it much better to controll and gives much better information about the burn speeds and time.

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