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King of 270 = The new gheyness


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Why you ask. Allow me to break it down.


1.) Define street car. If this is suppost to be for street car only then please tell me what a true street car is. I have a friend that has a older corvette that went 7.80's in the 1/4 the he will roll race and he will dig race. He doesnt care. Is he gonna be allowed on the list.


2.) How can a person from out of the city be the king of a road in our city. No offense JP but the whole idea seems stupid.


3.) What does the King of 270 win. I mean if 1 person beats everyone on the list time and time again, what does he win besides a worn out motor...


4.) More then half of the people on that list I have never even seen out racing on 270 or any of columbus for that matter. Yes they might come to the meets but I have never seen them race.


5.) Let say I was to race Cavin, I know cavin cant drive worth a shit. So does that mean he can let someone else drive his car to beat me???


This whole idea is really not planned out. Why not just scrap the whole king of 270 thing, and just make a call out section, where you can call someone out, set up the betting and then do the racing. It would be like if me and tilley were to race and tilley beats me, well then tilley is the man to beat. We dont need a list to tell everyone, hell more then 95% oc cr doesnt street race anyways. So like I said,


KING OF 270 = the ghey....

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The King of 270 has always been - and always will be - an unofficial thing known by the regulars in the scene. You can have as many silly lists as you want - it will still always be that group of 15 or so guys in the mix that actually matter.
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The King of 270 has always been - and always will be - an unofficial thing known by the regulars in the scene. You can have as many silly lists as you want - it will still always be that group of 15 or so guys in the mix that actually matter.




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A call out section would be nice... dig or roll... set up the race... do the race... post the results... simple as that... all the detail of the race as far as speed, honks, bla bla bla can be taken care off by the drivers in the post... just my .02... WTF do i know anyways...
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I hate to say it, but I agree Sam. In Theory the king of 270 thing is cool, but after all the stupid shit people put in it it becomes worthless. Your entire list is pretty much where my thoughts are right now. I will continue with the "competition" just for fun, but I know I will be happier just out racing like I used to do. No stupid rules, just 3 honks and we're gone.
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theres always someone faster then you.....if his car even comes out or not..



IMO, your car, you drive it, and its your bet etc etc. All we really need to know is who is the KING(top dog), thats it. and if that person gets beat bye a outsider(hence, someone that lives outside 270)it doesnt take that persons KING status.



but still gay :marc2:

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The idea started out cool and it would have remained that way if it would have went like I said. $100 buy in then eliminations. Too many rules, list and so on made it raise the flag :gay2:



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The whole idea of racing my friends and just beating on my car for nothing seems seriously pointless.





this is why i don't do 'set-up' races. i'll do a 3rd-4th gear blast from time to time when lined up against another fast car. but the idea of doing six 20-140 rolls in a row for $50 on a public freeway does not seem appealing to me. i don't need the risk, money, or recognition.


just my .02

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Start out as a roll. Up to .. say 150.


Then, you hit the brakes to a dead stop. Come to a stop, then to go 150 again. Whoever does that the fastest, wins.


Must be done on 270.


Who wants to be the king of I-70? Maybe 670? 23? Hmm.

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Start out as a roll. Up to .. say 150.


Then, you hit the brakes to a dead stop. Come to a stop, then to go 150 again. Whoever does that the fastest, wins.


Must be done on 270.


Who wants to be the king of I-70? Maybe 670? 23? Hmm.


King of 23 2007!!!


Who can get a ticket the fastest?

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The King of 270 has always been - and always will be - an unofficial thing known by the regulars in the scene. You can have as many silly lists as you want - it will still always be that group of 15 or so guys in the mix that actually matter.


Beat me to it.


Thats about what I was going to say Sam.

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Like you were in the mix, when, JP? STFU. I guess we can call you King of the Wall.


I told Linn the same thing about beating on his motor for the sport of others, and personally, we have a call-out section with a list. However, I haven't been doing shit with it because I've been busy and haven't paid too much attention to it because it didn't seem that there was a big enough interest in bringing it back.


Sam, let's do dinner or something this weekend and talk.

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Listen I dont mind doin a few pulls here and there every now and then. I see no point on racing to 200 mph. I had a 7k mistake just racing friends when I popped my old short block. I am not doin that again, that is why I didnt once spray the car racing last summer. On the track is where it counts or if it is for some money. But this year, I have a new stipulation. I am not racing for your money, I am racing for your fucking shoes. I will put up my money against your shoes. If I win, I want the shoes off of your feet right then and there.


So there is no need for the king of 270. You beat someone fast, then great you are known as a fast car. Then someone can come challenge you, beat you and then brag how fast they are. I mean we could technically have a 13 sec car as king of 270 if you think about it. Say a 10 sec car goes against said 13 sec car and the 10 sec car has to get out of it for some reason, now we have a 13 sec car as the king of 270... WTF.. Like said before more then 75% of that list hasnt raced at all anyways.

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But this year, I have a new stipulation. I am not racing for your money, I am racing for your fucking shoes. I will put up my money against your shoes. If I win, I want the shoes off of your feet right then and there.


Just fair warning. I will be giving you the most shit covered shoes that I can find. :p

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