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Hilliard cop made my night


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I was on my way to tuttle mall tonight and when I first get on 70 from London there were 2 cops with people pulled over before the first exit, so I was watchin out for them on the freeway pretty close since they seemed thick tonight. I hop on 270 and right as I get past the Cemetary Rd. exit I had a feeling there was a cop up ahead. Sure enough there was a Hilliard cop in the distance clocking people heading in the same direction as me. Well he must have seen someone speeding because I saw him start to pull out of the median, but then he looked like he just flipped a bitch real quick to face the other way, so i didn't think anything of it. Well as I got closer I saw that he was in the grass up against the wire shit that runs down that stretch of 270. The whole driver side of his car was tore up and pieces of headlight, bumper and finder were laying everywhere. Apparently he tried takin off real fast to get a person he clocked over the speed limit and caught a slick spot or somethin and spun around and ran himself into the wire. I had a good laugh the rest of the way to tuttle and wish I could thank that cop for making my night because I was having a shitty day up till then. Streets didn't even seem bad or slick at all at the time.....he might just be a shitty driver.
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I was pulled over last night after the bar. I took off forcefully from a light for no reason other than a request from a very intoxicated passenger. Police Paddy wagon was a few cars back. Dumb.


I apologized for driving like a "jackass" (as he put it) and got a warning.


Designated driving gets you out of tickets.

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In all fairness he was just doing his job and had an accident.

Would suck if you were driving to work and it a barrier,, wouldn't like someone pointing and laughing at you very much...

No, his job is to "serve and protect", to catch criminals that do the public harm. His job is not to "stalk and annoy", and spend his entire night sitting in a median writing fines for minor offences.

If they really thought speeding was a crime, paying the tickets wouldn't be so easy.

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No, his job is to "serve and protect", to catch criminals that do the public harm. His job is not to "stalk and annoy", and spend his entire night sitting in a median writing fines for minor offences.

If they really thought speeding was a crime, paying the tickets wouldn't be so easy.



Let it go, man. I used to feel like you. When I moved to Marysville, I got 2 tickets in 6 months driving 33. I was pissed and annoyed with the "stalking" Ohio State Hwy Patrol.


Then I realized...the speed limit signs are clearly posted. I was speeding and got a ticket! What a concept! So now, I've slowed down! Guess what! They dont "Stalk and annoy" me anymore! It's really neat!

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marysville is a different in my opinion. It all of damn union county. the highway patrol doesnt bother me because they just want to catch the drunks. You dont see very many staties during the day but at night they are everywhere. Its the damn sherrifs that I cant stand. I have had way too many problems with them.
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you should have pulled over and asked if he needed help, then tell him to be more carefull and let him off with that warning lol.


I was seriously thinking about doing this, but it wasn't really worth my time. I had better things to do than make fun of a cop for being a jackass. The guy had to feel dumb enough already.


But yeah I was wondering what would happen to him. Would he get a wreckless opp or failure to control. Because you know damn well if anyone else would do that, on the job or not, they would get a ticket and fines.

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No, his job is to "serve and protect", to catch criminals that do the public harm. His job is not to "stalk and annoy", and spend his entire night sitting in a median writing fines for minor offences.

If they really thought speeding was a crime, paying the tickets wouldn't be so easy.



Still a bit sore are we ?


You act like you have some vendetta against the police now.

How many times before did you repeatedly speed and speed and get let off for having your "clean record" wink wink. We've all heard the stories.


You get stuck paying a ticket after trying to drag and fight it out YOURSELF in court.


Luck/ Karma whatever you want to call it swings both ways man.


I've had my share of tickets. Been let off the hook many times as well.


/Rant Off

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marysville is a different in my opinion. It all of damn union county. the highway patrol doesnt bother me because they just want to catch the drunks. You dont see very many staties during the day but at night they are everywhere. Its the damn sherrifs that I cant stand. I have had way too many problems with them.


truth to an extent...


Yes, I had a Deputy stop at MY house, because of the car being loud and some "speeding" I did atleast 4+ months ago.

Yes, I knew the Deputy and he told me if it was him personaly or our other friend that had pulled me over I would probably get cut a break, but the normal local patrol in my area is a dick, and since there were "complaints" of a loud car and 1-2 complaints of a speeding loud car they "placed" me to be the suspect blahblah, and they only wanted to give me a heads up because of out local patrol and the township trustee followed me home one night... who knows for sure. I do know I couldn't have been speeding home, I have miles of straight and pretty flat roads around me and short of being in an comparable car (sports car) He wouldn't have been able to catch/follow me to my house where I park in a closed garage.


Im not going to deny my car being loud, told him i fixed it-TRUE stock muffler and cut out,


Speeding yep technicaly guilty again but they cant "prove" it. I mean its in the country out of the way and I know my surroundings pretty well and I will stretch the legs on the Camaro out everynow and again, Chris or his parents can attest to some high speed runs down one of the local roads lol


So I am not going to complain of the sheriff as I think they should concentrate on the drug situation as there were 3-4 houses in a mile diameter of my house that got busted previously for cocaine and other illicit drugs. :eek:



I think it is the M-ville PD that are the biggest assholes around here just by how they carry themselves and from a few first hand accounts of friends.

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That's great....classic......feel bad in a way because he's just doing his job, but then I've messed up at mine too.


Two quick stories...


1. Saw a Columbus Cop fishtail and hit the grass median right in front of The Anderson's one day a few weeks back when it was icy...it seems like forever ago, but still this current season. He looked like he was playing around but not sure.


2. Got pegged / nailed with Instant on on 270 West towards Hilliard by a cop driving on the other side. V1 went BEEEPPPP, Beeep, beep.... and there he was. I was at like 82 mph in the fast lane too.


The wires extend a pretty fair distance, so I chanced it, took her up a bit more and zoomed off to the right and then slowed to about 70mph. I figured by the time he was even able to flip around and came back after a white Grand Prix, there's no way he could have seen me an remembered the details. I do have a rememberable plate, but I chanced it. Never saw a thing after that. He was prolly like "damn!!" ....maybe not.

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Still a bit sore are we ?


You act like you have some vendetta against the police now.

How many times before did you repeatedly speed and speed and get let off for having your "clean record" wink wink. We've all heard the stories.


You get stuck paying a ticket after trying to drag and fight it out YOURSELF in court.


Luck/ Karma whatever you want to call it swings both ways man.


I've had my share of tickets. Been let off the hook many times as well.


/Rant Off


I have, I think his point is that there are bigger and worse problem's in society than for local law enforcement to pull over people for going 10-15 over the speed limit. Which i agree with, to an extent. Money drives everything, with the exception of tax dollars what other sort of subsidies does law enforcement get?


oh and in my particular case, I won but only ended up paying 20$ under what I would've had to pay if I just paid the damn ticket off. At least it's not on my insurance.

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You get stuck paying a ticket after trying to drag and fight it out YOURSELF in court.

Actually, just going by the math I didn't pay the ticket. My combined fine and court costs was less then a good meal at a nice joint. What pissed me off was:

-The cop lying in court

-My silly noob ass being too nervous to present all I had.


Then I realized...the speed limit signs are clearly posted. It's really neat!

And when they're not? The above incident told me exactly what the Freeway Patrol was all about.


Lets get something straight; I don't hate cops. I love cops. The men and women that put themselves in harms way protecting us and giving us a level of security that most countries couldn't dream about. I have Zero respect for ticket machines, or rather, the departments that order them out into the medians. We can't hold anything against the ticketers as a whole, because I'm sure they didn't sign up to write tickets. The "apparatus" that is in place to collect revenue is where my grip lies.


In the end, we can only blame the system.

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yeah, but if the revenue isn't brought in via one way, it's another. I'd rather dodge cops than pay outragous amounts for plates or something else. even with my last ticket almost a year ago, which I fought and won on too, the overall cost of driving per day in Cbus is pretty cheap compared to a lot of places.



Actually, just going by the math I didn't pay the

In the end, we can only blame the system.

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Actually, just going by the math I didn't pay the ticket. My combined fine and court costs was less then a good meal at a nice joint. What pissed me off was:

-The cop lying in court

-My silly noob ass being too nervous to present all I had.



And when they're not? The above incident told me exactly what the Freeway Patrol was all about.


Lets get something straight; I don't hate cops. I love cops. The men and women that put themselves in harms way protecting us and giving us a level of security that most countries couldn't dream about. I have Zero respect for ticket machines, or rather, the departments that order them out into the medians. We can't hold anything against the ticketers as a whole, because I'm sure they didn't sign up to write tickets. The "apparatus" that is in place to collect revenue is where my grip lies.


In the end, we can only blame the system.



I get your point. Just a couple things. First, "Ignorance is no excuse." If you didnt know what the speed limit was, you might wanna think about doing 55 or run the risk of a ticket. Just a thought.


Secondly, from what I understand, organizations like the the FOP and other law enforcement unions are very powerful lobbies. So if you eliminate the "ticket machines," guess where the lost revenue is going to come from. No politician wants to look soft on crime, so a bill will eventually get passed that either raises taxes or cuts a needed program to send more funds to law enforcement.


Just slow down and life gets so much easier. Or better yet, keep on truckin so the tax man doesnt come to my door as much:)

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Actually, just going by the math I didn't pay the ticket. My combined fine and court costs was less then a good meal at a nice joint. What pissed me off was:

-The cop lying in court

-My silly noob ass being too nervous to present all I had.



And when they're not? The above incident told me exactly what the Freeway Patrol was all about.


Lets get something straight; I don't hate cops. I love cops. The men and women that put themselves in harms way protecting us and giving us a level of security that most countries couldn't dream about. I have Zero respect for ticket machines, or rather, the departments that order them out into the medians. We can't hold anything against the ticketers as a whole, because I'm sure they didn't sign up to write tickets. The "apparatus" that is in place to collect revenue is where my grip lies.


In the end, we can only blame the system.



freeway and osp are ticket machines no more no less. but they doing what they are soppused to do enforce the law. its not pretty but it is what it is. its shitty you got a cop that lied or tried to lie. but with all things what goes around comes around he will get his one way or another.

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