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Does anyone else get a search redirect when trying to search from the address bar? It used to say "seek-aid.com", which I crunched my brain trying to find the spyware, andit turns out it's a WOW redirect no matter what Google has to say about it in my settings.


I mean, I pay them enough every month anyways, I should be able to have the functions I choose without their interference. Has anyone found a way to remove it?



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It's with my cable company, there is no "uninstall" :p


This was happening the last month with both IE and FF. A Google search provided that is was WOW. After my primary HD fried this weekend, I reformatted and installed my OS again on a new HD and am currently reinstalling things. Now, an address bar search does the "seek-aid", but has the added bonus of "provided by WOW", with their logo at the top of the search results.


It still does it with IE7 and FF2, although I'm now using FF as my default browser. It's a WOW redirect via my connection through them.

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Click on that link Anthony that Smurf posted


If you have a router, usually there is a place to manually configure name server IP addresses. Otherwise, you have to specify the name servers in the Network Properties for each computer's NIC.


Most commonly suggested third party name servers are GTE and Genuity servers on the Level 3 network:


Pick any two.


Try that. There's a bunch of people in that thread that had the same issue. Changed DNS and it went away.

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Cool, but it's still bullshit I have to change my settings so come company can continue to spam me with the connection I'm paying for. It's not like it's free like Netzero or some shit.


Did I mention reloading a PC that lost six years of stuff is the suck? :D

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John, 50th level is ghey. I have a 72nd level street thief named Vaan that will pwn you.


O RLY n00b? My character is - in addition to being a 50th level dark eleven warrior mage - also a 50th level dragon lord death knight. LOL - that's a 100 levels of pain to hax0r ur n00b ass. I've already cast a spell of dispel magic, BTW, so don't even try to cast a spell, artard.

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WOW is telling me it's an "agreement" with browser suppliers to do that. I told them bullshit, it's browser hijacking and I'm not paying them $150/month to control my search functions, especially so they get the referral money for keeping the paying customer at their whim.


They're about to lose me, and are now blaming IE7 even though it's been doing it for over a month and with IE6, IE7, and FF2.

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I have got wow and I don't have that problem. I use Google all the time with no re-directs. I'm sure this doesn't help but at least you know its not wows standard. Unless I have just got lucky. Its that way on all 4 computers in my house too, not just one.



No, your not totally understnading the problem.


if you go the search bar and type in



It will go to the wow redirect page.


Not if you put in "Cat" and hit enter and go to googles listting for cat websites

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Fixed. The sneaky fuckers put a tiny link at the bottom of the redirect page called "About", although it's really there to enable or disable the redirect once you click on it.


I'd think they'd ask first, or at least notify people about their pet project.

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Fixed. The sneaky fuckers put a tiny link at the bottom of the redirect page called "About", although it's really there to enable or disable the redirect once you click on it.


I'd think they'd ask first, or at least notify people about their pet project.


Maybe my wife or my friend that lives with us did that and thats why we dont have it. They probably just never told me about it. At least you got it fixed.

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There is nothing I can really do to even ask about it, as none of that is controlled locally.


The simple answer is: if it bothers you that much, there are a zillion other DNS servers out there you can use. If you only knew the amount of service calls we roll on for people who have no clue how to use a PC, I honestly can't really complain about anything that has the potential to reduce those kinds of service calls.

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For this reason alone, they'll never get my business now. It's too bad, I've been waiting to switch as soon as they upgrade in my area. No thanks.


Nothing makes me angrier than a company taking advantage of the populace's ignorance of IT.

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