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WTF? Who does a funeral like this?


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I want to see the 3 year old in the family come running up and jump on his lap. You know, like northing's wrong. He's fucking dead. Don't make him a prop. Put him in the box and pay your respects. Just put up some pictures, people will get the idea.
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pay your respects? maybe this guy's ultimate form of respect was having his final wishes carried out. to me, this funeral shows that the guy wanted to be seen having died as he lived. a true steelers fan from cradle to grave, and no special $4000 casket and a suit he probably would've never worn.
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All I see is a wanna be Hugh Heffner with some shlits sitting in a recliner. As for being a fan, of course I see that. But being used as a prop at your funeral just doesn't sit right with me. I see the whole, this is him/me at my happiest. It's just a bit ...................................................... fucking weird is all.
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in his defense, perhaps he wanted that....after all, he's dead, he won't care anyone who doesn't like it thinks.


my father wants to go the regular more traditional way of course, but he's very clear that after a few moments of sadness and tears, he wants the family to celebrate his life and get together for one big as celebration....on him.

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my father wants to go the regular more traditional way of course, but he's very clear that after a few moments of sadness and tears, he wants the family to celebrate his life and get together for one big as celebration....on him.


This is how my Will reads as well. I have $10,000 allotted for festivities. I'll be fun when I go.

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Wheres his Blunt?




Why the fuck would you say some biggot bullshit like that?


The guy fucking died and im sure it's not about whether he can afford a casket or not. I assure you that they won't throw him in a hole in the ground just like that. He's got his favorite chair, watching his favorite team, and is surrounded by the things he loved the most... including his family. Where's his blunt... give me a fucking break, the man is dead. He's a veteran, pay the respects, and stop being fucking ignorant.


Is it weird that instead of burying someone with their favortie shirt on rather than a tux? I distinctly remember a man who was buried in his car because it was what HE liked to do.


It's different but I don't see anything wrong with it.

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