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Snow plow crew sign in


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M35 "Duce and a half"

All I make is my standard military pay, but I do get a good upper body workout. (no power steering, manual tranny)

I dont have a pic of the one we use, but put a blade on the front of this critter, and you get the idea.


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3pm in the afternoon yesterday is when me and Shawn started. We got home about 9am this morning to rest for awhile. Then I went back out for alittle bit of cleanup and just got home. This should be a good payday.. Also I would like to note, as soon as there is 1/2 on the ground people automatically turn into complete retards on the highways. There was a lady in front of us on 670 that lost control of her car, swerved into the other lane the back into hers then hit the wall with the ass end of her car, tore the bumper to hell and broke the tail light and the dumb bitch just kept on driving, didnt even stop or slow down, acted like it never happened.
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There is no tricks to the trade it is all common sense stuff. I do not fear any other plowers because there is so much work in columbus. EVERYONE that plows knows these things. It is not a big secret that there is a Ton of money to be made in plowing. I dont mind telling people my expenses if it helps someone else to help themselves in the future.


ps. benz guy i live right by Green meadows, right on powell rd. Look for the big white F-250 on the right hand side jsut before green meadows...


pps...Subcontractors make $55 to $65 and hour.



The guys that own your own truck, would you plow for $55-$65 per hour? I would not!

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still sounds like a good return and until one is too old or sore, might be worth it for many....must be, there are enough doing it. our nieghbor has a Ford 250 or 2500 something like that....and does like 25 of the 75 or so homes in our area. Not sure what he charges, but he puts up some nice unique driveway markers for folks and that's how I can tell how many he does.


Looks like about every other home has them. He blew right through all of them on our street last night. As a way of thanking everyone he also does the intersection at the end of Snouffer for all of us too. That's cool as getting up the incline on ice with FWD can suck.



....he said that he makes enough even in warm winters to pay all of his bills for the year... his fulltime job is just play money. .......he said that it really is hard on you, especailly when you get the call at 2am when a freak snow storm comes in.
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Doing snow removal is pretty tough. It sucks getting up at 1:00 A.M. and then working all those hours with just 2-3 hours of sleep. I can never sleep good when I know I have to get up and do snow.

True, then when I get to bed I can't stop thinking about the snow :mad:

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lawnman-i own my truck.i know that is the going rate cuz ive been asked to do sub work by companies(ie rockyfork)and that is what they offer...also saw in the paper a company askin for subs and stated in the add $55.i wouldnt work for that NO.lol.but if someone bought a truck and didnt have many accounts it better than nothing
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