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Spring is comming soon?


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Maybe this was winters last blow. If you look at the forcast for Monday and next week it is going to be in the 40's and lows in the 30's. Think we are going to start warming up from this point on?



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so you were driving in this shit with stock evo9 tires??? damn.


I dont mind winter, im not liking all the snow and getting stuck in it though. im going crazy in this damn house all day.



Yeah Yoko Advans. It was like driving a matchbox car or steering a sled. Even though they have 3k miles on them, the tire techs looked surprised when I told them I wanted them back. (they cost $264/ea from tire rack[!])

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I'd like for that to be true. Hopefully it is drawing to a close. I've actually been seeing robins flying around. That usually said spring was on its way in the past. But there are also idiot geese that have never left for the winter, so....who knows :confused:


I don't even think the robins left for the winter. There are a bunch of them around my apartment complex all this year. They have been eating well because I swear they are the size of chickens. LOL. And the geese did leave. The summer ones at least. The ones that are around now are from up North that fly down here because it is better than the winter up where they are from. But the ones from down South should be showing up again soon. And then mating season starts. :(

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