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Get the Truth Don't be Blind


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..This stuff still makes me laugh. Stuff that comes from a biased source is just that..'stuff'.

Each one of those sites has an agenda..it's not actual news or information..it's all slanted one way. I would be more impressed if the information came from a respected unbiased news source...rather than an NRA site or a BLOG.

People kill me with these sources. It's like they are running scared right now and willing to post up anything without checking any of the facts or stepping back and saying, 'Wow, I agree with this site because they say everything I want to hear' instead of saying 'This appears to be unbiased, and this site doesn't seem to have an agenda..it's just reporting the facts'.

Not impressed.

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..This stuff still makes me laugh. Stuff that comes from a biased source is just that..'stuff'.

Each one of those sites has an agenda..it's not actual news or information..it's all slanted one way. I would be more impressed if the information came from a respected unbiased news source...rather than an NRA site or a BLOG.

People kill me with these sources. It's like they are running scared right now and willing to post up anything without checking any of the facts or stepping back and saying, 'Wow, I agree with this site because they say everything I want to hear' instead of saying 'This appears to be unbiased, and this site doesn't seem to have an agenda..it's just reporting the facts'.

Not impressed.

So in other words, you'll always be deceived by lying media, and I will hear the voice of truth being smothered-out from the blankets of that media. And why are you saying that the NRA, Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Times, Jerome Corsi, Fox, and New York Daily News are not being factual here? Help me out. Is this truth??

They don't want the whole pie," she told the women. "There are some who do, but most Americans feel blessed just being able to thrive a little bit. But that is becoming even more out of reach. If we don't wake up as a nation with a new kind of leadership, for how we want this country to work, then we won't get universal health care. The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."

- Michelle Obama

"I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets." - Barack Obama (Dreams of My Father)

"It’s because you have an obligation to yourself. Because our individual salvation depends on collective salvation." - Barack Obama

Oh and another great idea of Obama's is to raise tax 500% on guns and ammo. I don't think he is going to make it personally. It's not his color, or his lying lips, or his annoying popularity that makes me think this, it's b/c I have a small portion of hope left in me. He's just got too much dirt to dig-up. You can't dig this kind of socialist crap on McCain. Why is that? Why does he hate guns in a free country? It's the right that comes with responsibility. Don't tell responsible people you are taking away their rights. Someone's going to get upset.

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I'm saying that if you want to prove a point, it's best to prove it with unbiased sources. Fox news? Come on..any organization that makes a point to say they are 'fair and balanced' CAN'T BE! They have an obvious slant to the right...and I'm sure you can find the slant to the left in other news organizations. The NRA? OF COURSE they have an adgenda. That's pretty simple to figure out. I'm not saying it's a right or wrong agenda (I happen to be a gun owner), I'm just saying they are on a mission..and aren't sitting in the middle.

I'm being deceived by media? LOL. Cute. I go out of my way to find sources that don't necessarily vibe with what I'm thinking or feeling..it makes me question my own beliefs. I'd be willing to be that you couldn't be bothered. I could be wrong..I hope I'm wrong...but the truth is most people..on BOTH SIDES..couldn't be bothered with any news source that isn't saying exactly what they want to hear.

I don't have a problem with what Obama says..you know why? BECAUSE MCCAIN SAID THE SAME THINF EIGHT YEARS AGO:


It's a John Stewart clip..but the words come DIRECTLY from McCain.

Audience member: "Why is it that someone like my father who goes to school for 13 years gets penalized in a huge tax bracket because he's a doctor."

McCain: "I think it's to some degree because we feel obviously that wealthy people can afford more."

Audience member: "Are we getting closer and closer to, like, socialism?"

McCain: "Here's what I really believe: That when you reach a certain level of comfort, there's nothing wrong with paying somewhat more."

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I'm not going to get into another debate...we've had enough of them. I don't feel the Democrats have the all the answers, but they are MUCH better than the Republicans this election year.

Whoever you like, go vote tomorrow if you haven't already.

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Hey man, I can backdown when I belive I am wrong in a situation, but I am sorry to say that I haven't felt wrong about my stand on this one. It's moral and factual that Obama/Biden have the wrong ideas for a free nation. I don't think that McCain/Palin are God sent either, but they are a trustworthy pair IN MY OPINION. My sincere prayers go out for this election as I tend to think that it is drastically going to shape the future of our personal rights and liberties.

I will never tell anyone how to vote, but I don't mind explaining why I do what I do.

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Hey man, I can backdown when I belive I am wrong in a situation, but I am sorry to say that I haven't felt wrong about my stand on this one. It's moral and factual that Obama/Biden have the wrong ideas for a free nation. I don't think that McCain/Palin are God sent either, but they are a trustworthy pair IN MY OPINION. My sincere prayers go out for this election as I tend to think that it is drastically going to shape the future of our personal rights and liberties.

I will never tell anyone how to vote, but I don't mind explaining why I do what I do.

No problem with that. This is a free country (for the most part). You are entitled to your beliefs. I happen to believe that McPalin is a worse combination than what we have in office, and McCain has no business bringing up Socialism as a campaign footnote when he said the SAME THING years ago. I also believe all politicians bend the truth..borderline lie..etc..etc. I could never vote for Palin as she currently stands. She's ignorant to world affairs. There's a difference between ignorance and inexperience. She's got her own issues back in Alaska too. Anyways..

I would never tell you or anyone else how to vote. I just pointed out the fact that your sources had an obvious slant to them, and really didn't address the fact that McCain is guilty of similar things..and we won't even get into the whole financial regulation issue.

I didn't mean to start another debate either...so I'm gonna go back to watching porn now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just to pose the question... Yes' date=' the NRA is a lobbying organization. They have an agenda. Does that mean what they print isn't factual? I am hard pressed to find them lying about much.[/quote']

No, just because they say something, it doesn't mean they are lying.

That being said, I can take the same 'facts' and spin them the other way. Like the whole gun ownership lowers crime' debate. I can present facts that will support the notion that gun ownership (or the lack thereof) has not been proven to affect crime in EITHER direction.

Any lobbying organization can take #'s or events and spin them to their cause. That's their job.

I just call them like I see them. Both sides.

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I love the spin. Most of the 'spin' I see is the switch between % numbers and actual numbers when each side quotes facts. Sides that quote actual numbers usually downplay the fact that it's actually a very small percentage of the total. While sides that quote percentages do so because the total isn't very big.

Examples (note, the facts and figures are made up):

We spend $100M a year for welfare

We spend 0.01% of our budget on welfare

85% of schools surveyed want computers in the classroom

The survey was of 20 schools, and 17 of them agreed. There are 100,000 school districts in the US.

Both facts are correct in either case, but which way do you want to spin it.

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I can't wait until we are like England... Where our cops run around with rubber clubs and no guns.

Actually, from what I've heard from people over in Britain: There are way too many firearms being used by criminals. This occurred after the last round of gun bans in Britain. There's no way of telling if that had anything to do with it. It does make all the weapons being used illegal per current laws. Civil unrest does appear to be a factor.

As a result, the traditional unarmed "Bobbie" is going away. Police either carry firearms, or a local police kiosk will have heavy weaponry, or both.

And this was before 9/11. I'm sure that cranked up the fear factor.

German police carry little .380cal pistols. When I was there, all I saw was the submachine guns they all had. MP5s I suppose. I didn't look too close. It's not polite to stare at someone's submachine gun, lol.

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Actually, from what I've heard from people over in Britain: There are way too many firearms being used by criminals. This occurred after the last round of gun bans in Britain. There's no way of telling if that had anything to do with it. It does make all the weapons being used illegal per current laws. Civil unrest does appear to be a factor.

As a result, the traditional unarmed "Bobbie" is going away. Police either carry firearms, or a local police kiosk will have heavy weaponry, or both.

And this was before 9/11. I'm sure that cranked up the fear factor.

German police carry little .380cal pistols. When I was there, all I saw was the submachine guns they all had. MP5s I suppose. I didn't look too close. It's not polite to stare at someone's submachine gun, lol.

It's been a few years but the last time I was in London there quite a few "Bobbies" carrying weapons.

Also, about 10 years ago we were in London walking down to Picadilly Circus from Kensington and all of a sudden a car is being pulled over by a police car and van. Cops pile out armed with all sorts, block us off and pull an older man and his 2 sons out of the car and put them up against a wall. They proceeded to search them, their car and question them each individually for about 15-20 mins. I asked one of cops what was going on and he replied it was a random "terrorist search". I got to talk to him for a few and apparently these happen regularly on the streets there and they don't need any cause in who they select.

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