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Need new tires....


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OK so I was informed on Sunday that I need a new back tire for my bike! Boo!!!! Anyhoo, as you are all aware I always ask for people's opinions and frankley I know nothing about tires so I'm starting my research here. I'm gonna purchase front and back together. I know I've said this b/f but I WILL be doing several track days this next season (school & boards r done...yah....and GSXRnurse FINALLY got some leathers!) so what do u all think would be a good set of tires. I'm aware that if I do track days frequently I will probably be purchasing tires more often but i want something durable. :D:D:D

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plus 1 to flounder. you won't be able to tell a difference between the two (no offense) unless you are a seasoned track veteran.

good ol regular pilot powers will do you just fine.

sportbiketrackgear.com free shipping and to your door in a day.

look to yota for your mounting needs.

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No offense, but until you actually do a track day and improve your speed and conering, a regular set of pilot powers will do you just fine. save the extra $20-$40 and do not buy the 2ct.

I did 3-4 track days on a set of regular Pilot powers.

No offense Aaron.....I know I'm slow! :D that's why I was asking everyone's opinion on what to buy. I didn't want to spend money I didn't need to.

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What's the price range you are wanting to stay in?

For the best deal I think that Pirelli's last long (Pirelli Diablo's). I am now a huge fan of the Battlax 16 tires on my suzuki. They may not last long though??? The Pirelli's can hold their own on the track too. Never riden on a Conti or a Michelin power. I have never heard anyone complain about a Michelin Pilot Power other than they don't get high miles, but you'll have that with a sticky tire. Good luck!

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What's the price range you are wanting to stay in?

For the best deal I think that Pirelli's last long (Pirelli Diablo's). I am now a huge fan of the Battlax 16 tires on my suzuki. They may not last long though??? The Pirelli's can hold their own on the track too. Never riden on a Conti or a Michelin power. I have never heard anyone complain about a Michelin Pilot Power other than they don't get high miles, but you'll have that with a sticky tire. Good luck!

It's not really the price range per se. I just want quality tires that are going to last and serve their full purpose. Everyone that's ridden with me know that I am extremely slow in the corners (b/c I'm scared still after 6 years of riding) but on straits I will top out my bike. I do alot of riding back and forth to work in the summer but I really want to get to the track SEVERAL times this next season. I'm not going to be tearing it up in the corners and wearing down my tires unless for some reason i get an epiphany and correct my fear of corners. ;) Thus, I want something with quality that will get me through at least my first track day. B/C if for some reason I find I love the track days i will switch my suzuki over to a track bike only (b/c its such a pain in the butt to make it track ready and i'm lazy like that) and purchase a liter bike for the street. I know that's wordy but I'm extremely long winded. I may go with flounder's suggestion???? He's been on the track tons and I assume he is somewhat cost conscious, right? hehe.

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