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New Nine Inch Nails songs


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I've been a Reznor fan since the early Halo days. I have some VERY limited production CD releases in my collection, just for context.


I've noticed Trent Reznor's direction becoming quite dull and melodramatic, and With Teeth is probably the biggest pile of shit I've listened to, akin to the later days of Metallica.


However, I did a torrent search and found some new music just released, from an album I've not heard of called Year Zero. The torrent only included three songs, thus far my favorite being Me, I am. The playing style and content better reflect the early days of Broken intermixed with the ferocity of The Downward Spiral. I like, quite a bit.


Has anyone else listened to anything from this album yet? What do you think?

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He had some epiphany or something in New Orleans and changed his music.(with teeth) I was reading about it in Rolling Stone I think. Same famous people bullshit that they all seem to go through. Yep With teeth has a couple of good songs but the rest are a pile of junk. Thanks for the tip about the other songs. I hope these are new and he was feeding everyone a line of bullshit about his music trying to make money and when he realized his fans bitching, he went back to what we like.
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The album works for me. Yea its not the same thing he did "back in the day". Time has a funny way of changing the way a artist receives the world around them, and how they express that. Not only has he changed... but the world that he writes about has as well. Also I think he veiws it thru different eyes now. The old stuff works for me when my life/mood fits it. Same with the new. I still cant wait to hear the new album and to see him on another tour. Saw him twice on the last one.
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  • 2 months later...

Broken fixed


I really liked trent in middle/highschool. Broken melted to my dash board.



Heresay by far one of my favorite songs just because it spits in the face of organized religion. Sometimes i feel they need to be livened up.



Hey pig piggy pig pig pig

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