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Crackdown, the game

Dr. Apex

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Anyone else play it yet?? I was skeptical at first but it's turned out to be a pretty good game. It's like Grand Theft Auto on steroids, lots of crazy action and as you progress your abilities increase and you can do crazy shit like jump 30ft in the air and pick up cars and throw them. So far it's a really fun game.
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I tried the demo, and I hated it. "Go to this area. stand in the yellow circle. Mission complete." LAME.


actually i really like the game, there arent really missions, there area races that you can do that are really cool like the roof top races where you have to get through all the checkpoints by jumping from roof to roof. but at the beggining of the game you are given main targets to kill so you just have to go kill a bunch of gang leaders. and you dont have to go hunting for missions.

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actually i really like the game, there arent really missions, there area races that you can do that are really cool like the roof top races where you have to get through all the checkpoints by jumping from roof to roof. but at the beggining of the game you are given main targets to kill so you just have to go kill a bunch of gang leaders. and you dont have to go hunting for missions.


I bored quickly of the GTA games, this one won't interest me either. I think I'll stick to blowing the shit out of Japanese people in Lost Planet online. At least until Forza 2 comes out.

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