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I know this nice girl, who I've been friends with for a long time, who happens to be dating an asshole of massive proportion. Anyway this guy thinks he is the shit: looks like a douche, acts like a douche, benchracers cars he doesn't have and has probably never seen in person, and comes right down to being a simple minded bitch.


Anyway, anyone who is willing to make a good person feel like shit and involve physical violence is a fucking negligent that doesn't deserve life. I'm not trying to bring you guys into the situation because that is their relationships and their business, I just want to piss this guy off. Apparently he has a horrible temper, atleast from what I heard "Zack don't push him he might snap on you" maybe you guys could help this happen, because I'd love the oppurtunity.

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=10209800 There is his fagspace, if you got myspace, flame him, will ya? I also put this up on my friends page to get his attention. I know myspace drama is gay, drama period is gay, but I have no means of communication with this ass besides this, he's threatened my bro and made my friends life a shit. Why can girls never do what they need to?


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if you can hold out for a week, i'll be back in CBus on saturday. I haven't gotten in a drunk fight in a while, and I bet I can use the Apache to piss him off.





caption: "what happens when u run a celice into a pile of snow purposly"




this guy seems like a tried and true shitstain. I'd be more than happy to start shit with him, aka deodorant on his windshield, etc.

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So just to get this straight. Your friend, whom it seems you care about genuinly and want to see happy is with this douche bag who for some reason has this self perception that he's a big pimp. You've got to get it into her head that she can do a hell of alot better than him or it just doesn't matter. Or just tell him if he doesnt start treating your friend right then he'll have to deal with more than just a crying girlfriend.


oh, and kick his ass.

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So this friends of yours? Do you want her and your just mad that he's got her. Because it seems to me when some guy wants what he cant have, the guy shes with is always no good for her. Apparently she doesnt think so. Maybe you should just leave it up to her.


I got that hint too, but either way the guy seem's like a dickhead. Friend/more than friends whatever it may be, sounds like an ass.

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Do you want her

Been there already.


Do you want her and your just mad that he's got her. Because it seems to me when some guy wants what he cant have, the guy shes with is always no good for her. Apparently she doesnt think so. Maybe you should just leave it up to her.

All of us have been friends for a long ass time. I have left it up to her, and so have the rest of my friends, she can still make her decisions; I'm pointing out he is a dick, and treats one of my good friends like crap.

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Forget all that other shit. What you need to do is find a big, badass woman to start shit with him and whomp his ass. That, my friends, would be worth paying to see. Any on here? If not, I'm sure one of these gays on here will dress like a woman and do it. ;)
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