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Impeach Bush ?


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Thats right they make it up! Liberalism is based on "feelings" and not common sense.


It's amazing how inept people are at seeing the forrest from the trees. A pothead with a bull horn shouts something from campus, therefore everyone on that side of the fence must beleive the same.


Don't rely on republicans to interpet democrats for you.


Dont rely on democrats to interpret republicans for you.

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I had an instructor in Chiropractic college that said something I will never forget.


" It is very easy to be a democrat, when your in college, or you don't own your own business " Dr. Roy Hilgartner

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Guest Mushijobah
Don't rely on republicans to interpet democrats for you.


Dont rely on democrats to interpret republicans for you.



It seems that Democrats lack a sense of Common Sense Morality. Most democrats seem to rely on their feelings which are loaded with personal opinions driven by little fact, and usually plain resentment toward conservatives.


On the other hand, Republicans seem to gather around a sense of logic through common sense. This all boils down to the Republican adherence to a constitutional government which adheres a set of codes. On the other hand, liberals support a democratic style government which can reshape and reshape with little regard sometimes to what may happen once they pass a certain point in change. Simply, they are very prone to the slippery slope problem. Once one idea is made a policy (un-restricted abortion, inter-sex marriage, weak foriegn policy towards potential threats) it can lead to a domino effect of problems.


Sorry for the rambles.

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Neglegent homicide of the English Language.


Also lying to congress, ethics violations, conduct unbecoming, and fixing elections. All of which he may have orchestrated and was certainly the benefactor, but none of which can he be convicted of....maybe Ethics stuff. He's got hundreds of fall guys.


You are just a pussy aren't you?

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It seems that Democrats.....

On the other hand, Republicans .....

Exactly why we need a balance of both in power. The Nazi's worked off raw logic and "patriotism". An what civilization based their society on following feelins? um...err....hmmm...none that anyone remebers. They either fall apart or get eaten.

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the doc is right, i even voted for bush and if as of right now you don't think bush sucks as a president you either have some major political blinders on, or you are really dumb



they are part of the 3x% of people who like him


Personaly I think democrats are pabs because they want to give brakes to people who cant help themselves, Joe mom with 5 kids sucking up welfare. Why would I get taxed harder because i make more money? Please give me 1 fucking reason why I need to give a bigger percent when my smaller percent is still more then allot of people put in.

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they are part of the 3x% of people who like him


Personaly I think democrats are pabs because they want to give brakes to people who cant help themselves, Joe mom with 5 kids sucking up welfare. Why would I get taxed harder because i make more money? Please give me 1 fucking reason why I need to give a bigger percent when my smaller percent is still more then allot of people put in.


Because our top priority is oil and terrorists ATM. You pay more taxes because you trade your time for money IE you have a job. Now if you made your money make money like own houses and rent them out to people then you don't get taxed as much as if you had a job with someone. Yes the wonders of our taxes in action. If you work you get taxed. If your money works for you and makes more money and you sit on your ass then we dont tax you that much or don't tax you at all.


My opinion we should get out of other countries unless they are an immediate treat like "We have nuke warheads in the air coming towards you". I feel we should beef up our country before we help anyone else. Get everyone homeless in some kind of home or get them a job of somesort. Help out farmers that cant afford to keep growing food. Provide free community college to any American. But that is just my socialism side of me talking. After we beef up our own country and our own people then we can invade other countries all we want. Its just sad that we help destroy and rebuild Afghanistan but there are people in our own country that don't have a roof over their head. We have plenty of money to give food to all american citizens who cant afford it. But that wouldn't be profitable now would it?


/end of rant

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I dont believe in hand me outs. I think if your homeless your offered a low paying job picking up trash or osomething. fuck if i have to work for the money i get and to pay for there food thats fucked up. As for makling money off things. I still have to pay more money for returns on my investments. Because i don't heave realaste I don't get the brakes.


I mean theres helping and theres mooching. Again why should I BE TAXED HARDER?

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I dont believe in hand me outs. I think if your homeless your offered a low paying job picking up trash or osomething. fuck if i have to work for the money i get and to pay for there food thats fucked up. As for makling money off things. I still have to pay more money for returns on my investments. Because i don't heave realaste I don't get the brakes.


I mean theres helping and theres mooching. Again why should I BE TAXED HARDER?


I guess people don't seem to understand how close we all really are to being homeless. Lose your job in a slow job market, miss 3 mortgages and see what happens. I agree with systems like welfare as a crutch, a system which would allow someone to go to school or get their feet under them, a year maybe 2 tops. But what you don't understand is that you want to cut out programs like this and you automatically think OMG LESS TAXES YES! but you WILL PAY FOR IT LATER. You think people that are desperate and hungry and have to feed their kids are going to sit down and die? no its called survival instinct. You would see an increase in theft/burglary. You would pay for larger prisons (maintaining them still as in welfare) your insurance rates would go up (anyone with car insurance in Detroit can attest). A slew of other things would be a result of an increase of people in the streets.



It's not that you're unpatriotic, it's that most people that whine about the country bring nothing to the table to enhance the way of life here. Just desk-sitters that hide beind their pc and bitch. Although it seems you're not the type that I described, there's a few on here who seem this way.


Maybe you can enlighten us with your impressive resume of things you have 'brought to the table'. You are calling people out saying they are desk-sitters bitching but unless you are sitting at a computer desk in Iraq before your next shift starts you are just another whining little man with much more to say than to do. How do you suggest everyone here make a change? If they voted and their candidate didn't win what option do they have but to complain (if they didn't vote then they don't have any room to complain).


Why keep comparing bringing up the past with Clinton lying in office? So what he got a little brain on the side he lied to protect his PERSONAL life. Bush's lies sent this nation to war, there is a rather large difference. The truth is that Democracy is a bloody thing that only comes when the people want it and fight for it. You cannot force democracy on people because if they don't believe it in it will never hold.

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So if you could do it over again, you would vote for Kerry?




absolutely not, things being the same i would still have to vote for the lesser of the two evils, but just because Kerry was a d bag doesn't mean bush gets a free ride to make obvious mistakes since he doesn't have to run again.


Bush isn't doing a good job


do you agree or disagree it really is that simple of a question

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No one died when Clinton lied


Got proof or evidence of any kind to back this up or substatntiate the point you copied from someone else?


(I knew you didn't)(There certainly is to the contrary)


Before, and this is just a suggestion... you climb aboard the hoo-rah parade you may want to look a little deeper in to what it is you are repeating there Polly-want-a-cracker. I realise you are young so we will all go a little easy on you... but do... please for all of us, not to forget yourself a favor and challenge everything, EVERYTHING you hear and by all means before you randomly and or flippantly repeat something in a pathetic attempt to make a point or god-forbid yourself seem somehow important or of some value please... PLEASE... give it some thought and get some fucking perspective as to what it is your are talking about.


Allah akbar!

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Got proof or evidence of any kind to back this up or substatntiate the point you copied from someone else?


(I knew you didn't)(There certainly is to the contrary)


Before, and this is just a suggestion... you climb aboard the hoo-rah parade you may want to look a little deeper in to what it is you are repeating there Polly-want-a-cracker. I realise you are young so we will all go a little easy on you... but do... please for all of us, not to forget yourself a favor and challenge everything, EVERYTHING you hear and by all means before you randomly and or flippantly repeat something in a pathetic attempt to make a point or god-forbid yourself seem somehow important or of some value please... PLEASE... give it some thought and get some fucking perspective as to what it is your are talking about.


Allah akbar!



Actually Clinton lied because he had an affair. I think only his sperm died. I don't have proof of this sorry.


Bush lied about why we went to war and people died serving our country. Do you really want me to google names of people who died in our current war?

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The "Impeach Bush" movement should be placed directly behind, "Policiticians that need to grow a spine" and "Americans have no values".


Bush may not have many supporters in the world currently, but I think a lot and I mean A LOT of politicians could learn a huge lesson.......take a stand and stick to it. There are too many politicians with values based around their party.........NOT based on their expertise/opinion/values.


There is too much policitcal correctness in the world and there is far too much stacked against the middle class.

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Maybe you can enlighten us with your impressive resume of things you have 'brought to the table'.

I have contributed by not being a headache to people just trying to be happy. If you really feel like something needs to be done,

come up with an assembly with the 99% of Bush-haters you liberals think exist, and take down our government.

After all, this nation exists because the people can overthrow the government if need be.


No one died when Clinton lied

Nobody died from him getting face from some horrid broad, but maybe you were too busy beating off to CNN to learn that Clinton ordered bombings himself, as well. He bombed Iraq, Sudan, Afghaniston and Serbia among others.

Please enlighten me why you leftees get the idea he was some angel of a President? He went after terrorists just as Bush is doing, only for soem reason, Bush is the devil for it.

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Bush may not have many supporters in the world currently, but I think a lot and I mean A LOT of politicians could learn a huge lesson.......take a stand and stick to it.

Normally, yes. In terms of passing laws and such, not wars. What he's done is fucking stupid, plain and simple. It's akin to "I grabbed onto this red hot burner because I was determined to rip it up, thus cooling it. Pulling it up has been difficult, and my hands have been severely burnt. But I WILL NOT LET GO, if I let go, the red hot burner wins."


When it's you that faces the slings and arrows, holding your ground is noble. When other men and women must die for your pride, it's called tyranny.

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Normally, yes. In terms of passing laws and such, not wars. What he's done is fucking stupid, plain and simple. It's akin to "I grabbed onto this red hot burner because I was determined to rip it up, thus cooling it. Pulling it up has been difficult, and my hands have been severely burnt. But I WILL NOT LET GO, if I let go, the red hot burner wins."


When it's you that faces the slings and arrows, holding your ground is noble. When other men and women must die for your pride, it's called tyranny.


So we have a "cut and runner" on the board. We tried the "cut and run " logic in somalia were did that get us? A big hole in NYC, the side of the penagon wiped out and airplane in a field in Pa.


It is a good thing that this generation was not around for WWII we would be eating sushi and sauerkraut. Iwo Jima, 25,281 casualties, with 5,598 dead for one battle. That is ONE battle. So far we have fought a 6 year war on terror and the US has not reached the level of Iwo Jima.


tyr·an·ny /ˈtɪrəni/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[tir-uh-nee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun, plural -nies.

1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.

2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.

3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.

4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.

5. undue severity or harshness.

6. a tyrannical act or proceeding.


Please tell me what part of this applies our governmet?

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Nobody died from him getting face from some horrid broad, but maybe you were too busy beating off to CNN to learn that Clinton ordered bombings himself, as well. He bombed Iraq, Sudan, Afghaniston and Serbia among others.

Please enlighten me why you leftees get the idea he was some angel of a President? He went after terrorists just as Bush is doing, only for soem reason, Bush is the devil for it.


I understand he did this. I never said Clinton was a good president, or Clinton is better then Bush. I never said Bush was the devil either. Clinton did some bad things in his term, im not going to say otherwise. Clinton did help get our debt under control. Bush on the other hand made us go into debt worse. I think I remember reading something about Bush was taking money out of the social security fund. Isn't that illegal? I also heard Bush has made the most presidential pardons then any other president in the past.


I am just calling it as I see it. No one president or party is going to be perfect. I voted for Kerry because I felt he was the lesser of 2 evils.

And I am a registered Independent Voter. I am not a left wing liberal so don't call me one.

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