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Auto Exotica Must be strugling


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Today when i got home from work, after not really being home a whole lot this weekend. I have mail for me from friday. It was a normal envolope, But said confidental. Im like hmm must be important! So i open it, and there is one piece of paper. If from Passen Aka Auto Exotica Aka Extreme Motorsports. I used to work there over 2 years back. Its a collection letter. I had a bill that i paid before i left and the owner LEE COHEN didnt pay me my last paycheck, so he fucked me. He did it to everyone when they decided to quit, which was fucked but hes a penny pinching piece of shit that think his worthless "used to be speed shop" still has a chance and allways made up some bullshit excuse to why i couldnt get paid my last paycheck. So i left passen and began to work at Best buy. After working there for a few months i kept on getting phone calls from someone who wouldnt tell the person trying to take the message their name nor why they were calling me at my job site. Well randomly one day he called and told me i owe him 90$ for things that were unpaid when i paid everything striaght up when i quit and he kept my last pay check. I told him to fuck off and to never try to contact me at work ever again. The reason i quit was because my pay checks began to bouce and the over draft charges were killing me and it was completely obvious that the company was going under. And he would pay but he would take forever to get me the money. The company was so bad that you would pay him for parts that you thought you were going to get, and he would put it towards someone elses bill and it was a visious cycle. Kept happening over and over and made me look like a piece of shit that he was and overall fucked me over with alot of good friends that were customers. But luckily i got out while i still could.


Now I have another bill saying i owe him $342.09, And im really confused now because im very un clear is to why i owe him this money. At the bottom of the letter theres a "Pay Bill Now" where you can out your credit card information in. Why in the fuck would i pay a bill that i dont know what i should be paying for... Fuckin pathetic!


So what does everone think And what would YOU do??



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Do they have ANY control over your credit report? if no, then fuck him who cares. Move on with your life as you already have. If he can somehow effect your credit report/FICO score then I would take him to small claims court just to make sure that shit doesnt end up on your credit. If it was 90$ I might say just pay it to get him out of your life but I dont blame you for being totally unwilling to pay 340.00 bill.


You at least have the right to ask what the bill is for and what services were rendered in order to charge you this amount. I would somehow record the answer to this in case it came up later in court, cover your ass b/c no one else will. If he says something rediculous like, "im charging you b/c i can" and you get it on tape, that will put the nail in his coffin in small claims court. This guy sounds like a complete asshole.


Oh, and I dont think you have to do much convincing around here to get everyone to understand that that place is shady as hell. No one goes to them, at least no one who knows anything.

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Do they have ANY control over your credit report? if no, then fuck him who cares. Move on with your life as you already have. If he can somehow effect your credit report/FICO score then I would take him to small claims court just to make sure that shit doesnt end up on your credit. If it was 90$ I might say just pay it to get him out of your life but I dont blame you for being totally unwilling to pay 340.00 bill.


You at least have the right to ask what the bill is for and what services were rendered in order to charge you this amount. I would somehow record the answer to this in case it came up later in court, cover your ass b/c no one else will. If he says something rediculous like, "im charging you b/c i can" and you get it on tape, that will put the nail in his coffin in small claims court. This guy sounds like a complete asshole.


Oh, and I dont think you have to do much convincing around here to get everyone to understand that that place is shady as hell. No one goes to them, at least no one who knows anything.


Here is the collections Website, Check Services out...


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You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts. Do not call them for this.
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You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts. Do not call them for this.
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I would go ahead and make a file on this tool so you have something down the road if he takes it farther.


How many times did your payroll checks bounce and how many fees did you receive? How much was your last paycheck that you did NOT receive?


All of that stuff is going to come up if he takes people to court.


What could he be charging you for that's $342.....

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You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts. Do not call them for this.



just in case you missed it!

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You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts. Do not call them for this.



just in case you missed it!


Quoted for truth

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You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.

You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.

You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.

You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.

You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.

You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.

You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.

You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.

You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.
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You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.


I didnt login soon enough, I wanted to go with the multi-quote. Awesome!

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If you got the shaft on the final paycheck you can call the Ohio Department of Labor to file a compliant. The will contact the company and do the dirty work for you at no charge to you. That would be a small claims court issue, unless its over 3k.


You cannot take them to small claims court for the bill sent to collections. They can take you to court for it. Small claims is limited to monetary claims only.


I was just in small claims court this AM for someone stiffing me for 3K :mad:

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They can take you to court but you can easily file a countersuit for the bounced checks. Make sure you have absolute documentation of that stuff before you think about filing.
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