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To all married guys...


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Now I'd just much rather go to the courthouse or Vegas and just be done with it, but the old lady wants a nice wedding. Not huge, but just nice. The best place we've found so far is Darby House off Scioto Darby Rd. We made up a list and there'd be about 140 people attending. Their minimum price on the day that we'd have it is $7,000. This isn't an extravagant amount, but I could definitely spend $7g's better than just one day.


I guess my question is, How much did you spend? Where did you have it? Any other good suggestions for an OUTDOOR wedding?

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You should look at the Greek Orthodox Church for the reception. My brother just had his there last october and the place is really nice. They had the ceremony in some small country church in London I think. Though I dont know how much they spent on the reception and church.
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I do like the fact that at the Darby House they do everything for you. Ceremony, Reception, Catering, Bar and drinks, Wedding cake, and plenty of other extras. All you have to do is bring some rings and buy a dress basically.
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My wife and I seemed to have lucked out when we got married. Since we were members of the church, we got the ceremony, the minister, basement for reception, and workers that cooked and served the food for free. We had a wedding for around 250 people and I think the total thing cost us maybe $2,500. Of course our family and us did a lot of the work making stuff for the wedding and it really cut the costs. And since both my wife and I were 20 at the time and we had the reception at a church, we had no drinking, so that solved that problem.
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During the planning process you will want to run away and do it for much less money. However, when it's over you will be glad you spent the money for the ceremoney and reception, etc....


It really depends how many people are coming. You can do it for $2k all the way to $20k+. We had over 250+ people so that didn't really help our bill at all.


Average price is probably $6-10k for all the bells and whistles without going just CRAZY on stuff. I just wish we could have done it for that with the amount of people....

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I was at Innis something park in Westerville yesterday biking, and that place was the most amazing place Ive ever been to. They had a beautiful setup there. Roses, a small waterfall, (perfect I must say for wedding photos and a wedding party) Little ponds and such. Something you really should check out. A friend of mine was married in a really nice park a couple years ago and it turned out really nice. If you need any info Id be glad to try and find it out for you. Congrats btw!
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We had a church ceremony, with 9 people per bride/groom in the wedding party, full on catered dinner with open bar all night until 1am at the Holiday Inn for 220+ people, rental bus to take people around, photographer the whole day, and all that stuff for probably 10-12k all said and done. Ask SpaceGhost, he was in it! :)






But I did A LOT of talking and negotiating to get that price....:cool:

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I wish!


Amy, can you get me more info on this please?



I'll help her out. The park is called Inniswoods Metro Gardens. It is located at 940 S. Hempstead Road. A lot of my friends would go there for prom pics. Here is a website i found on it. Hope this helps.



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I got pissed off over the stupid amount of money people wanted and threated to goto hawaii and elope on the beach. But we ended up renting a church and doing our wedding for around 2g. My parents ended up doing allot and her parents gattered it with people from our church.


I looked at the darby house and allot of the higher end places and finaly said FUCK ALL THAT. For the money I saved I went to hawaii for a week, and did allot of fun shit there. Including rent a viper for a day.

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My wife and I got married 16 years ago downtown at the courthouse.We then took all the cash her parents saved on the wedding and put a big down payment on our first house.She sometimes say she would have liked to have a wedding but for all the hassle and money we opted not to.
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