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Single Again!!!


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Ya, I dumped my girlfriend and have been kinda regretting it, maybe it was because she was so hot, maybe cause we got along so well, eh who knows.


It'll all pass when you find a better one Ryan, stay optimistic. And beat the guy up too, it doesn't mean your're jealous or resentful at all, it's just blowing off some steam.

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man i kinda went through this a while ago...my girl dumped me for some other dude at the beginning of summer, and it tore my head apart and i just hooked up with some random broads to get over it.




as soon as we got back to school we were fucking again and she's been cheating on her boyfriend for 5 months now....ultimate revenge



also, no nudes, but i'll work on it....she just told her boyfriend she wanted an "open relationship" (so she wouldn't feel so bad about cheating on him) so maybe she'll be more willing





edit: don't forget there's always more fish in the sea, and they'll probably have bigger titties and their pussy won't be pounded out

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How about spending all your free time while in Iraq, busy going out EVERYDAY, calling and emailing a girl. Giving up 4 hours of sleep to wait in line for the phone, and call a girl. Send her packages, fly her round trip to your house for 3 days, spend 5 days with your family to see her, spend upwards of $15K, to have a girl not appriciate a thing you've done and tell you as you get out of the army she didn't think we should've been in a relationship. You go through hell and high water to treat some girls right, and they never appriciate that shit. :mad: This is why women should be treated like shit due to their fickle minds, and un-appriciation of what's good for em.
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This is why women should be treated like shit due to their fickle minds, and un-appriciation of what's good for em.


Dude, you just need to find the right one. They're not all like that. Most of them. But not all.


P.S. Shop for an older woman. They're already through the bullshit "girl" phase.

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Dude, you just need to find the right one. They're not all like that. Most of them. But not all.


P.S. Shop for an older woman. They're already through the bullshit "girl" phase.

True. I pick up older women usually, but never the less, women don't appriciate shit. You have to walk the line between complete and total dick and prince fucking charming. Stupid games honestly. I go to a previous statement of fuck em' and forget em'. (and delete the number!!!! DRUNK DIALS ARE BAAAAAAAAAD!)

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After my first girlfriend I learned to say "fuck it" and take nothing seriously. I see all my buddies putting up with so much shit that now if a girl tried to run me like they let girls run them they would get a big "fuck you." It is ridiculous.


There are more efficient ways to get ass. Roofies.

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After my first girlfriend I learned to say "fuck it" and take nothing seriously. I see all my buddies putting up with so much shit that now if a girl tried to run me like they let girls run them they would get a big "fuck you." It is ridiculous.


There are more efficient ways to get ass. Roofies.


Spoken for the mutha-fuckin truth. And scott, your absolutly right, after my so called "relationship" ended, I pretty much took the whole "fuck em and forget it" stance on everything. It seem's the only thing that will work is if you walk the line between asshole and angel for some reason. It's odd, now before I treated my girl like an angel 24/7, now I do whatever the fuck I want and it ALWAYS WORKS. Now I dont pretend to be a big player or anything but I still have this one girl who not only buy's me a big screen and watch's, dinners, movies, etc... but actually told me she wants to get a tattoo of my name on her pelvis. I said as long as it says "Ryan's Property" I'll think about it. Yeah she's a bit much but she worships the ground I walk on, which is neat :)

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After my first girlfriend I learned to say "fuck it" and take nothing seriously. I see all my buddies putting up with so much shit that now if a girl tried to run me like they let girls run them they would get a big "fuck you." It is ridiculous.


There are more efficient ways to get ass. Roofies.


Oh yeah, my moped tried doing that shit to me a few weeks ago, I told her to walk. Fuck that shit.

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Back in October of 05' my girl (now ex girl) broke up with me outta the blue while I was 600miles away in Avon, NC. on a family vacation over the phone...1 week later she was @ muskingum college fucking some cop she had met. We ended up getting back together about 2 months after. Maybe that was a mistake. Now here I am. :burn:
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After my first girlfriend I learned to say "fuck it" and take nothing seriously. I see all my buddies putting up with so much shit that now if a girl tried to run me like they let girls run them they would get a big "fuck you." It is ridiculous.


There are more efficient ways to get ass. Roofies.


+1 Quoted for truth.

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Well, it seems like you're happier so congrats.


I got lucky and found a good one. The trick for me was to get her early (before she learned how to be a dumbass girl) been dating since she was 14 and I was 15.

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Back in October of 05' my girl (now ex girl) broke up with me outta the blue while I was 600miles away in Avon, NC. on a family vacation over the phone...1 week later she was @ muskingum college fucking some cop she had met. We ended up getting back together about 2 months after. Maybe that was a mistake. Now here I am. :burn:


Yeah man, I'd say so. Don't ever let a girl like that realize she is your priority. They feed off that kind of shit. Now how about those pics?

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you bastards jinx'ed me .....i swear to god i broke up with my girlfriend tonight.......anyone else want to go party this weekend.....steve?



There is a huge group of us partying this weekend :D



Jason that is weird as hell. Sorry to hear that dude.


But YES...I will be going out this weekend come hell or high water!


CR Singles Night Out Baby!!!


Also, I dunno how many of you know Fowler (Stolen5.0) but he will be up here Saturday the 28th for a friend of ours birthday. And yes you guessed it...we are Strip Club bound. Probably Vanity on sawmill just like last year. Any takers???

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Fowlhezzy OH SNAP!!!!!!!!! Fowler owes me a freakin call, heard he stopped by this area a lil' bit ago. I meant to roll down for the St.Clairesville fun. Happy hour is a starting here in a few hours, I'm doin Max & Erma's first (got a gift card woot!) BUT I'm thinkin Nyoh's be where the skeezer tail is 2nite. I'm game for a CR SINGLEs BOOTYATHON. I'm a good wingman and all, but somethings I WON'T even hit. (ask Rigsby)
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