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anyone flown lately?


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on the 5th (sat), im supposed to be catching a flight at 1:40pm. i have to work until noon, but my work is on 5th ave, my building actually butts up to the airport property. im having someone pick me up as soon as i get off work at noon, and it will be about a 5 min drive to the airport. should that be enough time for me to get my bags checked in and to the gate in time? with all the new airport security, i dont know if im gonna maybe need to see about sneaking out a few minutes early. i havent flown since ~1998 so its been a while
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ive allways been there an hour early, but always got to the gate in 20 min or less. columbus isnt a major gateway so its not busy during the mornings and evenings, at 12 noon i dont know how busy it will be. almost all of the airlines are electronic check in now, with walk up kiosks.
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One hour is fine out of Port Columbus, except for early morning Monday flights and late flights after 4pm on Fridays.


Check-in online, print your boarding passes, and use the Skycap at the curb. I usually tip them $2/bag and walk right to the security line afterwards.


I'll be there at 5am tomorrow :)

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Yeah Port Columbus hasnt been too busy lately at all. Missed my flight last night out of Cincy cause I got lost on I-275 lol was in 3 states all within 30 mins lol. But yeah you should be fine! Have a safe flight!
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Check-in online, print your boarding passes, and use the Skycap at the curb. I usually tip them $2/bag and walk right to the security line afterwards.


plus one for these skycap guys. Last time I flew I didn't understand who/what he was but he was helping me out (this was a few years ago) afterwards he hands me my papers and says what gate im at, took care of everything for me, i threw him a 10$ for making my life easier. You probably wont even have to look for one, this guy saw that I was a kid and didn't know where to go and approached me, definitly worth the money you'll spend.

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What airline? ( I fly constantly)


If you are flying Delta it might be a bit close but if you walk into the airport with 1 hour to go you should be fine.


If you get to the kiosks with 30 minutes or less you have to carry your check luggage (no liquids unless they are 3-1-1, no guns etc...)

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The thing to watch out for is whether 1:40pm is the departure time or the boarding time (30 min before departure). You have to check your bags no less than 30 min before boarding time, aka 1 hour before departure, in order to avoid extreme hassle. At port columbus the only time the security line is long is during commuter hours (early morning weekdays, evenings on weekends). CMH has seen too much of me...
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US Air might be a bit tougher because that queue backs up pretty badly and the TSA over on B don't really understand that when there are a bunch of flights they need to open more than one screening station.


I never have a problem on US Air because I am preferred and B has a first class/medallion line.

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