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Flights from 10 dollars

cptn janks

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a new airline just opened up called Skybus. they only service a handful of cities... seattle, boston, richmond, ft lauderdale, CMH, greensboro NC, KC, San Fran and LA.


check out their website. they got flights from 10 dollars.


im about to take a vacation :)


dude i know got 6 tickets to LA round trip for 240 bucks.



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I know a few people who work for them. Just an fyi... Cheap fares mean that you make up the cost some where else. So carry on baggage is free. One small roller board bag up to 20", backpack, ect and one personal item such as a purse. Kids/infants don't get a baggage allowance. All checked bags cost you money. $5 for the first two bags per person, each additional bag is $50 each and they have to be under 50 lbs. addtional charges for heavy bags. No free snacks, drinks, pillows, blankets, ect. No pricing was listed for these items but a industry standard of $5 is normal for alcohol so it will be around that per item. *** they do not allow you to take any food or drinks on board.
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i think the 10 dollars for a flight is a promotion. but still, their other flights are around 75 bucks.


and yeah, the way they do it is take out all the extras. you can buy food on the plane, or bring your own. it costs a few bucks to check luggage, but if you just have a carry on, its free.

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I just booked 2 round trip tickets in June, with all upgrades and including tax, to Richmond Va. for $100 for BOTH. That's less than I wouild have paid in gas to drive the 1200 miles (19 hours) there and back.


I'll just upgrade the rental and drive the 1.5 hours to Virginia Beach in style, and Still save big money.

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Guest stevil

Earlier today I got a ticket to Ft. Lauderdale to visit my brother, $40.80 round trip. Very cool.




We'll be riding an Airbus A-319

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My boss' husband works at the airport and they have been talking about how they do charge very little for the flights but they really nickle and dime you for everything else. But who cares if it still ends up costing you less that a ticket through another company. I mean do we really need a can of pop and a little bag of pretzels for a 1-2 hour flight?
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I know a few people who work for them. Just an fyi... Cheap fares mean that you make up the cost some where else. So carry on baggage is free. One small roller board bag up to 20", backpack, ect and one personal item such as a purse. Kids/infants don't get a baggage allowance. All checked bags cost you money. $5 for the first two bags per person, each additional bag is $50 each and they have to be under 50 lbs. addtional charges for heavy bags. No free snacks, drinks, pillows, blankets, ect. No pricing was listed for these items but a industry standard of $5 is normal for alcohol so it will be around that per item. *** they do not allow you to take any food or drinks on board.



I could care less about not getting food on the plane, or a pillow. My question is how can you fly a 50 million dollar aircraft, maintain it , fuel it, staff it, and only charge 150 round trip to LA and back.


Something is getting left out somewhere... ie. saftey?

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no, what they leave out is pillows and food, and shit like that.


a normal airline charges you for that stuff, regardless of if you use it or not. then they charge you for cleaning it, for throwing away your empty soda can etc etc.


these guys have basically cut out all the frills.


also, airlines jack up their prices anyway. i mean on some flights one person pays 200 dollars and another pays 400. same flight, same section. they keep it high because they can.

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hah. my roommate and his girl just bought tickets on that thing.

She is going to freak is she cant take 5 bags full of shit for free lolzzzzz


LOL! Good now we won't have 8 bags and only use shet out of 2.


We actually bought two sets. Two roundtrip to LA for $90 and Two roundtrip to San Fran for $240 w/ rental car.

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