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how to find value of OLD stock?


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my girlfriends dad gave me a few stocks to see if i could find out anything about them (value mainly)...im having a hard time finding anything...probably because theyre so old...these are from the 20s. im not expecting them to be worth anything/much, but, you never know.


the stocks are from the following companies -

The Cree-Becker Oil Tool Company - 15 shares at 100$ each

The Ohio Securities Company = 10 shares at 100$ each

The Alexandria Farmers Co-operative Company - 2 shares at 50$ each


anyone know where i cand find some info on these and possibly see if theyre worth anything today?

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One of the best stock search resources is yahoo finance. You could actually just search for the company names to see if you can find any stock symbols. Its possible that if they didn't go under over the last 90 years they could have been bought up by larger companies. In that case your shares could possibly be converted into the acquring companies own stock. If thats true and if he still has a legal claim to them its possible they could be worth a hell of a lot of money. If you find out what happened to the companies over time and find that there is a current company around the next step would be to figure the values and get a lawyer to see if you have any legal claim to them still. Its possible that an attempt was made years ago to contact the owner of the stocks and if no response was recieved within a stated amount of time they company would basically put the money into an account and probably eventually it was released into the companies funds. Who knows. If you want more help I'm an amature stock trader, history buff, and this is very interesting to me for some reason.

I'll probably do a little searching on some of them. PM me and I could probably think of some more stuff and forums that might help out.



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