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The day i have been waiting for....


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As some of you may remember about 2 years ago i was out at ledos bar with a group of friends one of which was Julie Popovich. I was pretty much the last person to see her alive, and finally after a long loooong journey of pain and heartache it is all finally over. A jury found the guy that killed her guilty and he got 38yrs to life.....sorry i am just overwhelmingly happy right now.


the story


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Sorry to hear for your lose. Thats gotta be hard. I know there is closure in something like this but it never brings back a loved one.


I read some of the other articles linked to this one. This is unbelievable the statement his mother made.


She then gave her son an iron-clad alibi for the night Popovich disappeared, 10TV Penny Moore reported. Khatib said that while Saleh had gone to Ledo's that night, he came back to the store where she worked and she took away his keys when she found a supercharger in his car

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She was found near my house, it is really sad to see/know what people do these days. My condolences man, and, also, I'm glad that you were able to watch as this situation was seen through. I hope word spreads fast of what he did, that way, he can see what it is like on the other end of the stick.
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yep testifing a whole day in court against this little bitch was the worst.....just to sit there and see him and not b able to do anything....he has already got his ass handed to him once in jail i hoe it happens a lot more....thanks guys for all the support
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