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Girl stoned to death for dating the wrong religion


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A 17-year-old girl has been stoned to death in Iraq because she loved a teenage boy of the wrong religion.


As a horrifying video of the stoning went out on the Internet, the British arm of Amnesty International condemned the death of Du’a Khalil Aswad as "an abhorrent murder" and demanded that her killers be brought to justice.


Reports from Iraq said a local security force witnessed the incident, but did nothing to try to stop it. Now her boyfriend is in hiding in fear for his life.


Miss Aswad, a member of a minority Kurdish religious group called Yezidi, was condemned to death as an "honour killing" by other men in her family and hardline religious leaders because of her relationship with the Sunni Muslim boy.They said she had shamed herself and her family when she failed to return home one night. Some reports suggested she had converted to Islam to be closer to her boyfriend.


Miss Aswad had taken shelter in the house of a Yezidi tribal leader in Bashika, a predominantly Kurdish town near the northern capital, Mosul.


A large crowd watched as eight or nine men stormed the house and dragged Miss Aswad into the street. There they hurled stones at her for half an hour until she was dead.


The stoning happened last month, but only came to light yesterday with the release of the Internet video.


It is feared her death has already triggered a retaliatory attack. Last week 23 Yezidi workmen were forced off a bus travelling from Mosulto Bashika by a group of Sunni gunmen and summarily shot dead.


An Amnesty International spokesman in London said they receive frequent reports of honour crimes from Iraq – particularly in the predominantly Kurdish north.


Most victims are women and girls who are considered by male relatives to have shamed their families by immoral behaviour.


Kurdish authorities have introduced reforms outlawing honour killings, but have failed to investigate them or prosecute suspects, added the Amnesty spokesman.


Kate Allen, the organisation’s UK director, said: "This young girl’s murder is truly abhorrent and her killers must be brought to justice.


"Unless the authorities respond vigorously to this and any other reports of crimes in the name of 'honour', we must fear for the future of women in Iraq."



Below is the artical and some pics.


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Stuff like this happens over there yet, when a soldier shoots a man in house that is known to house terrorist and is disobeying commands to stop moving and lunges for a bomb, gets convicted and serves time in jail. While these men still walk free :nono:
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Islam...it is such a peaceful religion :nono:

I didn't say it.......!




But really, it's asses like those men that make an entire religion look terrible. The problem with Islam is that it's open to anyone's interpretation and they don't have a main church establishment to moderate the religion.

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No religion in the world has killed or harmed more people than christianity has.


Lets rephrase that and get that straight. No religion has killed or harmed more than the Catholic church. I know that is going to step on toes, but that is the truth. The Roman Catholic church has killed millions to spread Catholicism. I would read Foxes Book of Martyrs, it gives a good account of what they did to Christians in England.

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No religion in the world has killed or harmed more people than christianity has.


And your proof is??? All Im saying is its a big statement to make without anything to back it up.


Im disgusted by this just as much as anyone else. It's nice to know that we're not only giving our troops but valuable resource's to such a upstanding nation with such a strong moral code. Or then again, it's that strong "moral code" that's used as an excuse for such atrocities.

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Stuff like this happens over there yet, when a soldier shoots a man in house that is known to house terrorist and is disobeying commands to stop moving and lunges for a bomb, gets convicted and serves time in jail. While these men still walk free :nono:



I completely agree. I don't see how killing anyone for things like this is justice in there eyes... some people are really f'd up. I know we all have our religious beliefs and we all tend to do things differently, but for the life of me I cannot understand how killing a young girl for dating someone of the wrong religion, justifies stoning her to death. But like Jeff said, our soldiers get put in harms way and cant do shit, and when they do .. and they serve time. Wtf??

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Aren't the Kurds supposed to be "our buddies"?


Lets rephrase that and get that straight. No religion has killed or harmed more than the Catholic church.

Only because of its age. Give the Klan a thousand years of reign and they'll surpass it. Christianity is just as hatefull as any other, and Christians have killed for more ridiculous reasons. Christianity came from Catholicism, it's your boat. Hell, there are Christian scools here in the states that still forbid interracial dating.


And your proof is??? All Im saying is its a big statement to make without anything to back it up.

Two thousand years of history, read a book.

I tabulated a great many deathtolls a long time ago on on this very subject, I'm not doing it again. Christianity is #2 behind "Chinese land battles/revolutions" as being the greatest killer in history.

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I don't necessarily disagree with Rick, if you separate christianity into sects, I'm sure Catholicism wins hands down. The crusades alone should win it for them. However, this discussion started with "muslims" killing people, and having no morals. No differential was discussed among their religion.


The point is, there is the same percentage of crazies regardless of what religion a people prescribe. There will always be selfish people who try and twist their religion to their own belief, and they will always be wrong for doing it. Religion should be about tolerance and helping others; the basic principles of all religions agree on that point.

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Christianity came from Catholicism, it's your boat.

That is not true. The Catholic church was not the original church. The Catholic church did not begin until 300-400 years after the death of christ. Christ church was already established prior to the Catholic church. Catholics are taught that their church was the original church. Protestant church's such as Episcopal, Lutheran, Anglican church, congrationalist, ect. did split from the Catholic church. Other church's such as Baptist predate the Catholic Church. Since the other church's (ie. Baptist) follow the outline of a new testament church, they do not have a central "church" controlling the actions of the member church's, therfore they never became the powerful, worldwide entity that the Catholic Church became.


I happen to know a lot about this subject because I was raised in an catholic home. In the past four years I have studied the bible, how it was written, its lexicology, and the history of the church. I have found that the catholic church has many serious doctrinal errors.

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The Crusades were a defensive campaign to drive invading Muslims from southern Europe, if I recall correctly.


I could be wrong, but 'Muslim hordes' did plenty of invading through the ages, and their religious viewpoint was "convert or kill".


Yes, many have died in the name of Christianity, but it's far from being the only one.

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The Crusades were a defensive campaign to drive invading Muslims from southern Europe, if I recall correctly.

You do not. I believe the Byzantines had some trouble along those lines, and the Pope used it to "sell" them on joining the crusades. Pushing them away from Constantinople would have been defensive, not chasing them all the way to Jerusalem.

Also keep in mind, during the first Crusade, the killing started before they even got out of Europe.

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